What is a noob ? Very simple : a nooby who started to play not so long time ago and you mostly never saw around.
The noob can be of two kinds :
The useless one : a noob spending mostly his time in farcrag castle and the arena walking around without any purpose and mostly begging or harrassing you with wispers.
The discreet one : That's the kind of noob we like, the one that don't bother you until they are 120 and start to be able to do some support or damage. Mostly the best potential recruits and the most mature players, but these ones are the rare one, the diamond among countless shittty ones.
Then you have various profile of the useless and discreet ones, the two most important are :
The grinder : a noob grinding on xp pot 24/24, if the discreet one (like i use to be, best recruit ever lol), but can still be frikking noob asking annoying questions and behaving like the center of the world.
The freak : The noob can turn out to be pretty soon are frikking jerk, a scammer, a spammer, a garbage seller...
To conclude :
the noob we love : discreet and grinder
the noob we hate : useless and freak
My advice : be very fast to block any noob asking anything. just click on the area and block them after identifying them.
Gaming bonus TIP : The Preemptive Blocking : When you have time, just block all low level around you. If some turn out to be interesting, unblock him.
SHADOWKRAR : Warrior 182 Full Glacial
S007 : Rogue 182 Full Glacial / Full Radiant
SHADOWSNIPPER : Ranger 72 Full Meteroric
World : Lugh
Clan : Chieftain of BERSERKERS clan