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just need a bit of help

I won't be getting exilirs for quite a while but I would like to know what level I will get if I use 120 super xp exilirs.I'm currently lv80 warrior with full warden including wep and I'm hybrid atm, also ik this isn't related to subject but volde and pig your doing a great job
Dynamit1 - 215 Druid
Dynasaur - 205 Mage
Dynamit3 - 223 Rogue
Dynamit4 - 220 Warrior
Dynamit5 - 217 Ranger

Re: just need a bit of help

I don't think this question can be answered because everyone levels differently and will get different amounts of xp per elixor.

I know I have seen graphs showing the required xp per level. That might help you get a good idea.
Touch (Druid) 150
Spitfire (Mage) 160

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