From memory I think I average auto on ashes 190-200ish and about 330ish sharp (im used to a sucky auto though). I can kill thorns solo, just not 3 stars. and yeah I think I might have to get a major armor upgrade at least for my bp. Very close to Mete greaves, but im still wearing ancient lamellar bp.
I refuse to buy drag discs or joining a clan that will outfit me just to have me. :| At the moment phoenix is still working on it. When we finally get Falg (If ava and some others would stop trying to solo or monopolize on it...
... thatd help too...), I might actually get warden and then meteoric bp.
Also going to be exciting when I get my first piece of frozen, even though its just the gloves that I wont wear anyway because I use haste ones. :|
And yes, dex is good for a 'crappy' weapon. It is also the best for rangers as you can only get so much dps out of strength.
It works quite well with a diamond bow and ice quiver. I normally dont get hit by auto attacks, just spells. And Im seriously working on my evasions of those too.
Also yes my light heal is the best in Phoenix and I am pretty close to being one of the top 10 healers in our clan.
If we had 3 less druids I'd be about 10th. But when your recieving anywhere from 50-240 damage just from one skill hit my heal has trouble sometimes keeping up. Especially on the Bogfiends, and just forget about the 4 star ashes and kelpies atm.
I am not a plat user, at least not very often. That said, I have found it beneficial to have an idol or two, some sup xp lixs, and some restos on me at all times for when I encounter the 4 star special mobs, especially wise ones.
This means I can make the maximum profit out of every level, each day. For example the items I used today netted me 6k+ with a subtraction of 1.5k roughly. I am not a lixer, the only time I lix is when I find and am about to kill a wise mob. It would be economically ruining to me if I lixed every day for say 3-7 hours a day.
And I am working my strength up to 100 at the moment. No, Im not going to buy a rebirth and redo my stats. Im too cheap you could say. Theres better things I can spend my money on when I will have 100 strength within another 8 levels.
Yes, I am working on a more balanced build. Thus the strength increase. 11 levels ago I had 5 strength, literally. And although my damage on the ashes might not be best, I am used to that kind of damage, actually a little lower.
The part about killing kelpies instead of trees makes no sense. Trees hit like babies except for the 4 stars, kelpies hit harder, and by the time they are 3-4 stars they hit like a battering ram. I would much rather level on trees, even thorns are better to me than kelpies. However talk about a sucker on dps. Im lucky to hit 100+ on thorns. :| Therefore I am leveling on kelpies til about level 106-108. Then Ill move back to trees tyvm!