Some of those thing have been mentioned above...
- Bosses: Santas evil twin (he can summon rain deer adds), Christmas tree (who doesn't want to fight a tree
Haha),... and I love loney's idea about the gingerbread man!
- Lirs reach in white would be great
Evil Santa has invaded christmas and put everything into chaos. You must help santa get everything in order. If you complete all the quests, you get a rain deer pet.
Changes compared to Halloween Event
Personally, I have a high lvl druid and a lvl 40 rogue that I lvled in 4 days so I am not complaining about drops for low lvls because I don't want to level. However, I know that not everybody lvls quickly. At the halloween event, lower lvls only really had the pumpkin head and maybe the witch hat to profit from while high lvls have brooms, necklaces and the wand. Maybe add some more stuff for lower levels. For example, a boss about as strong as the crookback king or hairy that gives them a complete armor.
Drops for lower lvls (1-30) could include:
- Santa hat... kind of like the pumpkin head quest. Collect 10 presents that evil dwarfs stole and 10 santa hats.(Quest)
- Basic elf outfit with some +armor and +dex(boss drop)
- Two handed novelty weapon that shoots cookies (boss drop or quest)
- Necklace with 30 health and 30 energy (boss drop)
- Build a snowman (Quest)
For lvls 30-60 I would suggest bosses about as strong as those in shalmont.
- Angel armor with +magic resistance (boss drop)
- Quest to get a class specific christmas weapon (like the wand quest)
- Some quest where u get pots
- Some quest for free plat
- Have some random dwarfs run around that give good drops. (like the 50 coins bow in shal).
- It would be fun to have a boss that isn't too strong but difficult to find since he moves around lir's reach. So you actually have to go looking for him.
For lvls 60 up:
- Evil Santa boss - drops santa armor
- Gingerbread man boss - drops necklaces and mounts? idk
- Christmas tree boss - drops necklaces. I'd love a necklace where u have a little angel trailing behind u
Also, this boss drops rather large amounts of money. Like 5k for each person per kill.
- A quest where u get elf armor that shrinks you and gives u a + in camouflage