Aileron. When you talk about nfl nba team read what I said again. I said unless your dps is close to the players. The top teams all top sportsmen are within 5% of each other come on you know that. I am saying yes it could of been slight luck that he got kill. But due to stats and probability it's almost impossible that the difference between the extra amount he got from luck being 15%
This means with no where near maxed gear he was within 15% of a top rogue on our server. So with maxed gear he could be a massive dps contestent for aggra every time. Unless a Mage has his sort of gear... Then the Mage would be unlucky to lose to even myself.
You act like this is one hit. I'd understand if I said ok go in arena with lvl 1 hit me once each and see who hits harder. You miss lvl one doesn't that doesn't make his dps better. No I am not saying that. Hit me 700 times you think the level one will win? What about a lvl 100? Ok how about a lvl 150 with no radientearthstone ranger with knucks while elim hits your using his beat gear. I'm sorry but elim would always win... Now the only way elim could lose if the other rangers gear was close to him. Within 5-10% of his. Otherwise over 700 hits luck gets canceled out and elim wins.
Ita simple you should think about it. That rogue is close to maxed out. Yrck is not and he musta been within 10% of housecat for luck to play a part without haste. Nuff said
Well we had a couple instances where our cloaked tank got the kill. We didn't go around proclaiming that cloaked tanks have uber dps that can take away kills from rogues and rangers.
It *is* one instance of a fight. I'm sure Yrck can do it again, but consistently? Remains to be seen.
All I'm saying is that all your proclamations are based on one experience, it's not a trend, there is no pattern...YET.
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