Sacrafice or eboost?
#1Title pretty much sums it up. I have sacrafice at 15/15 atm. It helps me alot when I train with a druid. But soloing can be difficult. Should I alt and go for eboost instead?
Yes sacrifice is good but I would only use this is you have a good e- shield,a lot of health sigils or a druid to keep you up on health but what blaze said is perfectly right for when you get high enough.Eboost is better in my opinion but sac is more of an emergency energy fix. For example, a tank may need a quick sacrifice to taunt at chained king or if the tank idols at an aggragoth battle, he/she may need that energy fast. A high boost is better but a decent sacrifice is also nice to have.
Wanted to add my thoughts, tho I have a similar thread right now (asking about Sacrifice).Sacrifice.
Though you would lose hp (obvious), sacrifice is better bc:
Instant cast- no skill interruptions.
Faster cooldown- use more often.
Works well with Eshield.
Tried max eboost but still find sacrifice better.
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