Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Admin Official Beta Test List

I've just been informed that that is how it should be, so apologies for jumping the gun there.
Are you trolling? Or is that a nooooob mistake?
D0nk0 Lvl143 warrior
D1nk1 lvl90 druid (retired)
D2nk2 lvl70 ranger (retired)
D3nk3 lvl128 druid (dual log)
D4nk4 Lvl142 ranger (tri log)
D6nk6 lvl80 mage (retired)

General of PRIME
Proud owner of 2 full darkflame sets

D5nk5 lvl85 rogue (arawn)

Re: Admin Official Beta Test List

I've just been informed that that is how it should be, so apologies for jumping the gun there.
I'll help a lil, the beta forum is locked because OTM do not want or need people to read the beta forum see what they are looking for/how to properly do beta testing.

Example: Today we are extending beta applications. Also for those that got denied they can re-apply.
So now the person goes to beta forums and reads up on what the ppl were doing to figure out all the right things to say on a beta app. to get accepted.

As you can see this would be bad for beta as beta usually calls for people that already know how to test things, NOT people who have to read up on how to properly beta test.
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.

Re: Admin Official Beta Test List

As Wulver says... We Beta testers can't tell you anything. At all. Once beta starts we are sworn to secrecy. Anyone who tells you anything, especially in game is a total moron. Mainly because OTM can read the chat logs and know who is spilling secrets, getting caught doing so kicks you out of beta. Its not worth it. After the beta ends, we can tell you anything, but till then its frankly none of your business.

Please respect the process. If yer in beta don't say anything, if yer not, then deal with it.

How is none our business how players will input information in the game the we all play , only beta tester will play the after is release , Is the whole CH community business , have faith on tester we did last v3 and we all remember what was the result.

We don't have faith on you guys , especially a player who only is here to test beta version of the game and don't play the content after is finnish we do ..... A lot player here in forum have something clear you are here just for beta part we know.

And is all CH players business who will represent us . We will no have hope on ppl their just to bust their ego only ,that didnt stick or enjoy the failure of their previous work.... Well 3 or 6 months inactive ..... And just ressurect as soon beta was announcet it...... Well.....

Last beta was a failure this made players who love the game applied this time and Im glad a few of them got accept it because they are not there for ego think or to be tester they are there to expand the game and make more enjoyable.
Last edited by Fromen on Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Inactive player .

En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.

Re: Admin Official Beta Test List


But I have spent my entire Beta career trying to NOT create a dichotomy between testers and non-testers. I used to hate seeing Testers speak down to non-testers, be pretentious, or mean...it doesn't help the community at large ever.

That said...yer going way too far here. Beta Testers need to answer to each other and to OTM, no one else. You don't deserve any information at anytime. You as a non-tester simply need to have faith in the testers to work hard, do their best and try to get it all done as fast as possible so you can play the Update...other than that...back off. Please.

They are a few dozen post from a year ago the said otherwise.....

My question is why you change server because most of your previous clans memebers become inactive because of the absurd of the last beta you did and basically you solo input.... Thats the beauty of forums info is there you only have look for it......because others good tester quit right after and they did apologize but others still here more arrogant then ever.

Few tester will input info in the game , technically they are making OTM coding their personal view of the game the doesn't voice a community as whole .....
Inactive player .

En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.

Re: Admin Official Beta Test List

Singling Tea out for all the problems that made it past beta is just wrong.
Granted once upon a time tea had his hands on almost every post with some meaning behind it but what you aren't understanding is Tea knows how to beta test.
That is why he was picked then, thats why he was picked now.
It doesn't matter if he quits the game the day of update he did his part as a beta tester and tested the beta for bugs.
Yes game balance is part of the beta too but if you're to tell me they messed up on that you are wrong because I soloed a Rockalanch first day and they were extremely underpowered.
So dont hate on Tea as he knows what needs to be done as I'm damn sure he will try his best for us all.

I myself as a tester will do all of the above but my major concern is getting the armor/items right.
We have had this quest with us from lvl 50 and having to upgrade it 4 times now IMO NO ARMOR SHOULD BE BETTER THEN THIS PERIOD.
Remember all the dagger wines flame wines?
No bs items like that will make it by me everything new i shall try to weigh on in best reguards for every class.

Ps. Fro for the first time you actually referred to me like an actual human being in another post and I thank you.
I also want you to know I will look out for your class as well even though I'm not 150 on my warrior.

My toons:

Dogma lvl 155 (tomorrow got 2% to go)

Nagz lvl 120
Wigz lvl 120
Spy toon lvl 75+

Xeon lvl 120

TheTruth lvl 75

SirTanksALot lvl 75

As you see I have played a lot and hope my suggestions will be for the good of the whole CH community
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.

Re: Admin Official Beta Test List

As Wulver says... We Beta testers can't tell you anything. At all. Once beta starts we are sworn to secrecy. Anyone who tells you anything, especially in game is a total moron. Mainly because OTM can read the chat logs and know who is spilling secrets, getting caught doing so kicks you out of beta. Its not worth it. After the beta ends, we can tell you anything, but till then its frankly none of your business.

Please respect the process. If yer in beta don't say anything, if yer not, then deal with it.

How is none our business how players will input information in the game the we all play , only beta tester will play the after is release , Is the whole CH community business , have faith on tester we did last v3 and we all remember what was the result.

We don't have faith on you guys , especially a player who only is here to test beta version of the game and don't play the content after is finnish we do ..... A lot player here in forum have something clear you are here just for beta part we know.

And is all CH players business who will represent us . We will no have hope on ppl their just to bust their ego only ,that didnt stick or enjoy the failure of their previous work.... Well 3 or 6 months inactive ..... And just ressurect as soon beta was announcet it...... Well.....

Last beta was a failure this made players who love the game applied this time and Im glad a few of them got accept it because they are not there for ego think or to be tester they are there to expand the game and make more enjoyable.

I personally fail to see how this becomes an integrity salvo on me. I have no issue with the attack, I can respond to it...again. But its funny. Lets start with your first point..how beta SHOULD be your business (if you are not in it).

Well beta and what happens inside of it...is filled with multiple builds...so take like Druid Healing last beta..for a number of builds druid healing was set to a range of +\- 15% of your base heal. So lets say I normally would heal for 850 my heal range would be from 722-977. But this flipped druids out, mainly because they couldn't figure out their base heal..they kept healing and they kept seeing different numbers..and worse we had just started the 15/25 skills and were flipping out that 15/25 in the Update 3 version was much more nerfed than 15/15 in Update 2...

So Druids went crazy, in beta and while I argued that with Breath and a higher embrace druid would heal much higher than before so not to stress it...some Druids went ape about it. Actually Aileron and I had many a fight about it in beta..along with Kammera and a few others..was a fun time. Many wanted to tell other forum druids what was going on how the class was being broken etc...some did, but thankfully not many..and cooler heads prevailed eventually, and finally OTM ended pulling the plug on the 15% range due to just the pure drama.

But there is a reason a closed beta is closed, it creates a safe environment to test the ups and downs of a thing being tweaked...it lets you change something way to the OP one build and way to the UP the next build tweaking the skill back and forth to see what works best... If a player not in beta gets hold of that information without being inside to understand the tests and why the skill is OP now or why it is UP later...they can't use perspective to fuel their comments or opinions...not that lack of perspective has ever stopped you from commenting here Fro :).

In terms of my level? Well I am 121 Druid now on a new world after being 133 on another. I left my old world because ai simply wanted a change, but I have been playing lightly in Morrigan since early December....I am fairly confident I would be 150 now if I didn't playing so lightly I mean, but definately on Arawn if I hadn't left....not exactly sure because as Avalon can tell you I only log on about 10 hours a week due to a ridiculous work load that I have had since I quit the first time in August(for 6 weeks).

All this said, look back when Spirithealer and other lambasted non-beta testers, I NEVER did. I posted more posts about beta and trying to help the community understand why we did everything we did, I made 4 huge player (Druid, Rogue, Ranger, Warrior) guides so people wouldn't waste their books of rebirth...I basically dedicated myself to the community of CH at large...which is why my forum reputation is largely second to none.

Just saying... Think once, before blaming me.

To any moderator/Admin I think these comments between Fromen and I are civil. He doesn't hate me, he is annoyed with my opinions...and vice versa... This is a civil conversation that SHOULD be on forums, because its filled with good content and both debaters are exchanging opinions, not making attacks. Please let this stand. Lightchylde and his comments don't bother me either, just saying..let us talk please.
Last edited by Teaweasel on Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Admin Official Beta Test List

Hi just to clarify the 'reading the beta forums' question, the reason why the forum is not visible is because there are contextual posts there related to test versions of the game which later are likely to have changed. If people look at the beta forums they don't have the same frame of reference as the original posters because the version of the game that was discussed is not the same as the live game.

Re: Admin Official Beta Test List

I would also like to add that most of the content that you see today were NEVER in beta. And some of these things actually broke a lot of mechanics, so beta testers weren't really at fault or not testing their effects

Some examples of things that weren't in beta 3:

1. Frozen Armor/Weapon
2. Quartz/Diamond Armor (yes we had Crystal Armor with different stats)
3. All Scavenger Lux items (no such thing as regen rings/bracelets and 200 dmg offhands)
4. Aggragoth Loot
5. Master/Apprentice Weapons
6. Earthstone/Solstice armor
7. Fairlyland and The Test quest
8. All Defensive Skills quest
9. All OW bosses
Last edited by Aileron on Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

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