Enduring guard adds to your likely-hood of evading physical skills and does not last long. Skills are not frequent enough for this skill to be used effectively especially since evading is not garenteed. I repeat, physical skills only.
This seems to be quite... narrow - sounds almost like it's just another evasion skill like Vigour or what ever that eva skill that lets you evade bolas; can you give examples of what "physical skills" are?
Also, how about just plain auto attack (physical, but not skill)?
bolas is in movement evasion and not physical
proc.stance increase ur armour which increase ur slash, crush and pierce resists which all lowers the dmg taken both from auto and skills
imo, proc stance is the best skill not only for warrior, could be the best skill for any existed class, i think it could be even far better than e.shield for mages, and ofc better than shield of bark, better than fast reflexes, and idk which skill is a bit similar to proc.stance as a ranger
but still proc.stance seems like the best skill IMO, but it wouldnt be as effective for other classes cuz most of them use less vit (except some ppl that change prefer their build as vit based, or pure dps warriors as str and dex based which is pretty much sucks) and this skill is vit based, and ofc no melee combat ability
but still proc.stance is better than enduring guard almost in any way, and for enduring guard, u dont need even to max it, each point adds a lot of evasion pts into this skill, which means around 15 skill pts (ofc with high enough melee combat ability and vit) it'll give almost 1000 pts i think (