Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: trade/selling password or lock

One more, since ur at university, i assume ur staying in a dorm or something.
Tick off that "remember password" thing. And dont share ur info to family/gf/cousin.
See ya DV. Hope i see u playing more again.
World: Gwydion
Clan: Solitaire
Indira lvl 189 Druid , Job: Healer
LaVerne lvl 160 Rogue, Clan rank: Noob
LadyDiamond lvl 160 Connacht Warrior
BlackBerry lvl 185 Ranger ;Druid Lvl 125;Mage lvl 101

Re: trade/selling password or lock

One more, since ur at university, i assume ur staying in a dorm or something.
Tick off that "remember password" thing. And dont share ur info to family/gf/cousin.
See ya DV. Hope i see u playing more again.
hey indi!

to the others i can assure that wasn't the case but hey nothing can be done right?
im old enough to know not to share my info but thanks for reply.
when it happens to one of you, you'll know what i'm talking about. when someone gets ownership of an account whether by share info or guess info, they dont sell the items to vendor and drop every single other NO TRADE item.
Darkvaine warrior lvl 84
Darkzinf Druid lvl 37
Darkvain Mage lvl 37

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