Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Server trasnfers and account splitting.


Will there ever be a feature to separate characters from an account?
For example i have a level 135 druid (morrigan) and a level 151 ranger (rosmerta, my current server) on my account and if a server transfer ever becomes possible i would love to split these 2 accounts and transfer my druid to rosmerta.
Will this ever be possible?
And what about chars that trasnfer over with the same names?
Guide to Warden/Meteo/Frozen/Dragon Weps : http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =4&t=32427

Re: Server trasnfers and account splitting.

We are going to be introducing a server transfer feature, but I'm not sure if we'll have a feature that will allow you to separate characters from an account.
I know this is reeeeally pushing it, but is there an estimated date/expansion that this will be in (i.e. Auction house is update 5, and so on)?

Also a thought: I think that this should not allow item transfers, only charachter transfers, unless you were able to make an auction house that is trans-world at the same time. This is because otherwise world economics would be ruined.
Cronic, 143 Mage
Ninjastar, 127 Rouge
TheDarkSide, 67 Druid

Tada gan iarracht.

Re: Server trasnfers and account splitting.

I know this is reeeeally pushing it, but is there an estimated date/expansion that this will be in (i.e. Auction house is update 5, and so on)?/quote]
All I know is that it is a high priority for us to implement this feature, and we're hoping to introduce it as soon as we possibly can after the release of the expansion.
Ok thanks very much. And wow, did you just change your name? Must be a new forum admin in town. :D
Cronic, 143 Mage
Ninjastar, 127 Rouge
TheDarkSide, 67 Druid

Tada gan iarracht.

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