Celtic Heroes

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HELP: Fill up list for Meteoric + Frozen items

Hi all

Was wondering if anyone know where I can find a complete list of where/what these items drop from? If not, can you just add in your info?

List is originally from


My notes are bolded
Gloves: Level ?, 4 orbs of frost wieving, 2 crests of the serpent. Which boss drops? All Knowing Eye have dropped serpents
Boots: Level ?, 5 orbs of frost wieving, 2 crests of the hound. Which boss drops? Swamplord
Helmet: Level ?, 6 orbs of frost wieving, 2 crests of the hawk. Which boss drops?
Grieves/Robe: Level ?, 7 orbs of frost wieving, 2 crests of the stag. Which boss drops?
Breastplate/Robe: Level ?, 8 orbs of frost wieving, 2 crests of the bear. Which boss drops?
Weapon: Level 125, 8 orbs of frost wieving, 2 crests of the lion. Which boss drops?

Which Bosses drop which Rems and Tabs
by Kolare
Stonefang- Rems- earth
Goretusk- Tabs- water
Bonehead- Rems- earth, rock
Bladewing- Tabs- water, earth
Iron spike- Rems- earth, rock, metal
Redbane- Tabs- water, earth, fire
Shivercowl- Rems- rock, metal, star
Spearhorn- Tabs- earth, fire, air
Rock belly- Rems- metal, star, space
Deadroot - Tabs- fire, air, mind
World: Rhiannon

Re: HELP: Fill up list for Meteoric + Frozen items

Random i guess,had 2 black earths from rockbelly past weeks...
So i think these bosses have chance to drop other rems too ( only rockbelly drops spaces and deadroot drops mind though ).

About frozen this is what i know:
Gloves: all seeing/knowing eye
Boots: swamplord/king horse
Helm: woodcrown/gnarlroot tree
Greaves: chained king/emperor ghost
Breastplate: stonelord(s)
Weapon: lavalord(s)

Difference between the mobs, the level and amount of drops.
f.e swamplord 3 drops lv105 Swampkig lv115 5 drops

Start frozen quest line at lv100 for gloves.
Add 5 levels for each next piece.
Order: gloves,boots,helm,greaves,breastplate,weapon
Lv152 warrior ToFat4Fun
(And some alts)

Re: HELP: Fill up list for Meteoric + Frozen items

Serpents: all-knowing, all-seeing, far-seeing, minion
Hounds: swampking, swamplord, swampcaller, minion
Hawks: gnarlroot, woodcrown, tangleroot, minion
Stags: chained emperor, chained king, chained prince, minion
Bears: ragnok, grommak, krogg, minion
Lions: ignus, pyrus, mantus, minion

Minions drop crests/orbs of frostweaving minimally.
Mantus, krogg, tangleroot, swampcaller, and farseeing drops either orb or crest
Pyrus, grommak, woodcrown, swamplord, and all-seeing always drops one crest, one orb of frostweaving, and one ring(grand/royal).
Ignus, chained emperor, swampking, and all-knowing always drops 2 crests, 2 orbs of frostweaving, and one ring (grand/royal)
Last edited by Indira on Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
World: Gwydion
Clan: Solitaire
Indira lvl 189 Druid , Job: Healer
LaVerne lvl 160 Rogue, Clan rank: Noob
LadyDiamond lvl 160 Connacht Warrior
BlackBerry lvl 185 Ranger ;Druid Lvl 125;Mage lvl 101

Re: HELP: Fill up list for Meteoric + Frozen items

Meteoric Torso/plate- level 120, crests drop from Stonelord
Meteoric Legs/Robes- 115, drop from Chained (Pretty sure its chained, or woody... havent played in a while, forgot lol)
Meteoric Helm- 110, drop from Woody (or Chained, lol soz for the confusion, hopefully someone can clarify)
Meteoric Boots- 105, drop from Swamp Lord
Meteoric Gloves- 100, all seeing

Hope that helps a lil bit
I will occasionly browse the forums, but for the most part im done.

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to message, as my E-mail is hooked up with the messages :D

Thank you everyone, for making this a special game.

Re: HELP: Fill up list for Meteoric + Frozen items

The website does have the name of the major boss that drop the crests. i suggest you go back to the page and re-read. It does not take into account placeholders, but the major boss. Tho it is pretty obvious that the placeholders has a possibility of dropping it, same as with the metoric bosses.

go to the frozen armor quest page, look at the armor piece colum, second row and actually read it, not skim. -.-

all the metoric and warden info are on their respective quest pages.


Lady Rosethorn of Rhiannon
Guardian of Rapture Eve
Rhiannon Mage lvl 200+

-Clan Member of InnerCircle.
-Past Guardian of RaptureEve, Dead but never forgotten.

Re: HELP: Fill up list for Meteoric + Frozen items

The website does have the name of the major boss that drop the crests. i suggest you go back to the page and re-read. It does not take into account placeholders, but the major boss. Tho it is pretty obvious that the placeholders has a possibility of dropping it, same as with the metoric bosses.

go to the frozen armor quest page, look at the armor piece colum, second row and actually read it, not skim. -.-

all the metoric and warden info are on their respective quest pages.


Lady Rosethorn of Rhiannon
Guardian of Rapture Eve
As I said...
E.G. It only lists All Seeing as dropper for Serpent

No offense hun, but what's obvious to you may not be obvious to every one else, hence the thread. E.G. Are you saying Mulwer, 3* placeholder for Falgren can drop a Dragon disc?
World: Rhiannon

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