Celtic Heroes

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Boss times

Need some help finding the boss times of bosses. It can be any boss from Dustwither to OW. You can even put Ragnor in there.

Please write:

"Boss name: minimum spawn time - maximum spawn time"

For example, "Stonefang: 5min - 15min"

Please be sure the times are accurate...

"We don't agree because our experience brings us to opposing views. That's life. At the end of the day there's no reason to go against how you see it. The choice is yours."

Re: Boss times

Ok if im correct not 100% sure though. But when i camped chained and lava chained spawned every 1 to 1.5 hours. And lava was spawning 2 to 2.5 hours. I always caught the phs and and bosses. Never stood more than 15 min so.

"Strap on your Thor helmet and do the fandango."
Missing my Lil sammy :(

Re: Boss times

Lol aren't ' the timings random now?
Yes the timings are random. That's why there is a minimum spawn time and maximum.
"We don't agree because our experience brings us to opposing views. That's life. At the end of the day there's no reason to go against how you see it. The choice is yours."

Re: Boss times

Everything has a minimum spawn time and a maximum spawn time. They don't always spawn at the same time every time.

@Thoro are you sure about Chained's spawn time? I've never had a 1hr spawn. It's more like 2-3hrs. Pyrus has a maximum spawn of over 3 hours.
"We don't agree because our experience brings us to opposing views. That's life. At the end of the day there's no reason to go against how you see it. The choice is yours."

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