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Re: Need help from a Druid pro

idk if I'm a pro though...

Stats: Focus and Vitality

Skills: Lightning, Vines, Natures Touch, Mediate, Shield of Bark, Natures Embrace.

You might want to think about switching Shield or Embrace for Howling wind. Try it out. Also, don't spend all your skill points at once, it would cost too much energy to cast a spell. Remember that druids fight mostly with their skills. If you consider buying signals, buy only energy ones.
Selene (Mage) 134 | Xellaya (Druid) 110
Clan: Uskoci
World: Arawn

Re: Need help from a Druid pro

Skills: Lightning, Vines, Natures Touch, Mediate, Shield of Bark, Natures Embrace.
Do you mean grasping vines or strangling vines?
According my understanding
strangling vines = Vine
grasping vines - Root (it is important in boss hunt only and it waste lot of mana, when it max u can root 80lvl boss, )

for addition
1. I suggest before 50lvl it is not necessary add too much to emb since it has obvious effect when u are high in natural magic
2. med to lvl 10 is more than enough
3. natural touch is not necessary max it depends
4. upgrade lighting first before vine (when i am 80s 15 lighting, 10 vine)
5. upfrade root in optimal lvl

Hope it helps
Enjoy the game
NatureHigh-Druid-Level 91

Re: Need help from a Druid pro

idk if I'm a pro though...

Stats: Focus and Vitality

Skills: Lightning, Vines, Natures Touch, Mediate, Shield of Bark, Natures Embrace.

You might want to think about switching Shield or Embrace for Howling wind. Try it out. Also, don't spend all your skill points at once, it would cost too much energy to cast a spell. Remember that druids fight mostly with their skills. If you consider buying signals, buy only energy ones.
IMHO if you buy enough energy sigils MEditate is not neccesary. Of course I can't say how many is enough.... :lol: I wish there were a stat that told you how much you had then I could tell you what I have on my druid. Maybe do meditate while you are lower level but when you get the skill book, buy sigils, nerf meditate , and dump the points into something else.
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Need help from a Druid pro

I wish there were a stat that told you how much you had then I could tell you what I have on my druid.
A little off topic, but it is workable.
Normal regen out of battle is 4. Just watch what you regen per tick. If you rejen at 5 per tick, you have 1 sigil. 9 would be 5 sigil and so on...
Abviously if you have Rejen Ammy then you need to deduct that too.

My energy regen is currently 40 per tick (including the bonus from Regen Ammy). I can tell you that is not enough for solid grinding in 'The Grove' (energy at 976 at time of writing this). I find I must take a short break every so often to allow regen to catch up sometimes if I take on too many mobs one after the other.

Hope this helps on a few fronts. :)
Proud Rapture till the end!!

Cicero: Druid lvl 87 Guardian of RaptureEVE Rhiannon
Benn: Warrior lvl 86 Clansmen of RaptureEVE Rhiannon
BennJr: Ranger lvl 36 Guardian of RaptureLITE Rhiannon

Re: Need help from a Druid pro

I don't buy anything from the lux shop because I hate the platinum idea.. I only bought more char slots, more hot bars, I don't feel like its right to buy items from the shop... I don't buy the training elixirs or anything really.
Last edited by Infinity on Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Need help from a Druid pro

I don't buy anything from the lux shop because I hate the platinum idea...
The items from the lux shop are all brought with in-game gold...
Proud Rapture till the end!!

Cicero: Druid lvl 87 Guardian of RaptureEVE Rhiannon
Benn: Warrior lvl 86 Clansmen of RaptureEVE Rhiannon
BennJr: Ranger lvl 36 Guardian of RaptureLITE Rhiannon

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