Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Armor stats

tnx precision, but i've never bin to the leystone where i can buy diamond and if i be there, i aint probably rich enough to buy the top or leggings.
and i also dont know where to do spiritshadow quest (i think other world)

so if i translate it to lower lvl:

Top: quarts
legging: quarts
gloves: darkshadow
boots: darkshadow
head: darkshadow?

or should i instead of quarts use warden armor?
Yes that is about right but instead of buying quartz I'd suggest getting warden and saving for diamond.
Spirit shadow is available in the otherworld and the boots and gloves can both be obtained by lvl 105 (gloves at 100 and boots at 105)
As for diamond, you can buy the top for 100k and the greaves for 80k but I'm pretty sure that you'll find some second hand ones for less than that.

If you have any more questions then feel free to send me a pm and I'll answer it as soon as I can.
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies..”

Re: Armor stats

oke thank you i'mdeath!

so as far is i can see, in the end we all need warden armor, because the frozen is the best.
from wich lvl can u start wearing frozen armor, or is it really hard to get?
Mage lvl 110
Warior lvl 65
Druid lvl 33
Ranger lvl 32
World: Danu

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