Now Mariner,E-boost would work better for DPS Druids, as they cannot use Meditate in combat. Sans some areas like lava, support druids can use meditate while everyone in the group is in combat. BIG difference there.
Its been discussed before regarding another eboost but druids already have like 30 odd skills? Do we really need another eboost skill? And just expanding on meditate, i supposed it may be workable but if mages couldnt survive with eboost / sacrifice which are better versions of mediatate, i doubt it can do much for druids.
Casting distance of AA is interesting. In the sense, I read before some ppl finding this to be good as it removes stereotypes of statue druids. Just standing there and casting. Ppl using AA are required to be more mobile and move around. Also, i think the casting distance is the same as wards.
AA does Not have the same Casting Distance as any other buff, including wards.
This just defeats the whole purpose of having mages' skills as Energy-Boost. They are supposed to be refilling other characters' energy, not defy their purpose as a class itself. If they didn't have this, Sacrifice would basically kill them. (Sacrifice is not capable of being cast if the health requirement is higher than the current health of the mage.) Energy-Boost to a mage is very important, you know, not everyone has the gift of money. Sigils don't grow on trees you know!
An Energy-Boost - type skill for a druid is undtoppable. Honestly, paired up with offensive skills, a druid is basically unstoppable. As of now, whenever I solo, I use the graspind roots method. As for people who reside in Taranis, they know I have absolutely no points in vitality. I use this to my advantage. The more focus, the more potential used, ignoring the diminishing effects. Every focus does make a huge difference between life, and death from a heal. I am borrowing a Golden Camouflage Charm, however, this helps with the first set of Grasping Roots for it to be inevitable to avoid (as in recast when it avoids the first set). Once the first is successful, the others until the death of the mob is more likely to happen in casting Grasping Roots. It has been rare that the mob avoids a cast, in which I relog my druid.
All I am asking for is less energy consumption per skill level [point]. There is too much demand for energy consumption for every skill level in every skill. This would help with people who don't use sigils, and rings to that extent. Spring of Life to be fixed, and usable efficiently. Group skills to have a little more than to offer half their one-target cast cousins. Grasping Roots to have a second or two less for cooldown to expire. Which gives a second for the next cast to be cast upon (overpowered maybe, but the interruption, avoid, and cast time can be a factor).