Celtic Heroes

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Is there anyway to find out joining date

Not for forums, but for game of course. I have heard in the past that if people are the same level in leader boards... That it will show the person who joined the game first as a higher place in the ranks. If this is true I don't know... It apears to hold abit of truth judging by the leader boards in my world.

But is there a way we can get a sure verification? Or was the game so early in development it didn't even keep track of dates?

Re: Is there anyway to find out joining date

Friends list!

First person on your friends list is the oldest player :)
Is the player who joined the first or your first friend the one who's on the top of the list?
Server Lugh

Arrow26, ranger lvl 111+
Proud guardian of BERSERKERS

Since november 2011 and still at this level, it's a shame

Now decrease rapid shots cooldown and it's useful again :D

Re: Is there anyway to find out joining date

You can't be friends with everyone. He wants to know when he joined too. -.-
I also do because I am really old too. You aren't friends with everyone and this theory is only who logged on last...oldest-to most recent.
Ashley A - Mabon - Novalis - 222 - Mage
Azona - Mabon - Novalis - 209 - Druid
0x15 - Mabon - Novalis - 216 - Rogue

Allymia - Epona - 220 - Rogue
Fire Mage - Epona - 220 - Mage

Aethinry Donn - Belenus - 221 - Warrior
Dakara - Belenus - 200 - Mage

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