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Should there be zone locks?

All people of this world post your ideas ... Due to people in game starting to bring it up often
Even more often after we kill SV boss
I won't vote but say my ideas
A Ranger lvl 42 can kill a lvl 55 boar ....
A Druid lvl 30 can kill a lvl 55 boar ....
A Mage lvl 40 can kill a lvl65 bluewisp....
A tanker lvl 40 can kill 55 boar .......
A Rouge lvl 40 can kill ummm idk haven't lvled my to 40 :) ....

From self expirance on all classes I tryed and it's worked ,exapt rouge call working on him

NOTE: all above without lux shop /and plat stores pots
If include lux shop and plat store then
All classes lvl 20 can kill a lvl 68 blue wisp so here u have your lines so what lvl should be allows in SV ?
Why do people group ? Git higher goals, get better arrmor, get more coin,quest,fun to kill something op ?
So a lvl 80 groups up and kills spirehoof witch is hard for them ...
A lvl 30s group up and kill in stonevile mobs 3start blue wisp witch is hard for them... same hard as for high lvl killing bosses .If a group of 30z make there way though the path can't be sloppy ,stay together , and kill one by one , wats wronge with that? A lvl 30 one on one will die but as a team they will make it to farm
80z kill spirehoof get oak disc u can sell for 12,000 coin
A group of 30z can kill 4 star bluewisp and get good drops of loot for there lvl that's alot
So whats wronge with lvl 50z in Stonevile ??
Greedy less golden wisp for you guys?
They ks you guys?
Admin can u post a reply what you think and dev think thank you.
•••NOTE : if I posted something not true or misslead info don't post reply pm me I'll edit it asap

Plz no arguing just post thoughts
thx u all
Last edited by MadOnion on Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
16 boxer!! All Seeing One
Owner of 6 camos,2 broom of dooms,white carpet , 2011 HP pendant
First to take Necro down!!!

Re: Should there be zone locks?

Ehh idk beggars that are usually low realy bug me but in are clan we need numbers to kill bosses
1# of all I am talking about Stonevile not much beggars there
2# a beggars is a person behind toon not this lvl ,if the beggar in lvl 9
He will beg in lvl 50 ....99.....299lvl , it's the person
3# simply block beggar not that hard
16 boxer!! All Seeing One
Owner of 6 camos,2 broom of dooms,white carpet , 2011 HP pendant
First to take Necro down!!!

Re: Should there be zone locks?

I don't think there should be zone locks, just up the number of aggro mobs near the port areas in each zone. This will keep them jailed to those port areas.
Hm, sounds good actually! +1
Formerly the original Eo.
iOS Beta Tester Pre-Otherworld
Currently KEnergy
Been a Part of the Greatest Clans in Rosmerta through the thick and thin.
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