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Any melee mage using a wand??!!

Wands do really suck, in my opinion. Why can't they be piercing dmg and have no range? maybe if u stab ur enemy there is a spark of flames or something like that. With golden Blade of Fire, the 75 strength does NOTHING. It would only add a few dmg if I have the godly talon bracelets on, which is TERRIBLE. Also, if wands' dmg cannot be increased by strength, logically, shouldn't they do even more dmg than weapons that can? Like Frozen Meteoric Wand should be like 100 dmg, diamond maybe 80? Quartz 60, Meteoric about 70, Warden 50?

Post ur thoughts here.

Re: Any melee mage using a wand??!!

I train H2H. For me its not that hard. Just sit and do some coursework while tapping the screen once in a while, AFKing on a training dummy in the castle (naked ofc :P).

If you have a good offhand H2H is a killer
Cronic, 143 Mage
Ninjastar, 127 Rouge
TheDarkSide, 67 Druid

Tada gan iarracht.

Re: Any melee mage using a wand??!!

First of all if wands had pericing it would be OP beacuse u have lures to help your blade. Compared to us rogues who dont have that abillity. I think mages are just as fair as rogues.
Mages have lures for all kinds of weapon damage, not just piercing so I don't see your point.

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Re: Any melee mage using a wand??!!

First of all if wands had pericing it would be OP beacuse u have lures to help your blade. Compared to us rogues who dont have that abillity. I think mages are just as fair as rogues.
Mages have lures for all kinds of weapon damage, not just piercing so I don't see your point.
Yes I agree. Most wands do magic damage, and there is a skill called Lure of Magic. You can make your wand stronger too with that lure. Not just with crush, assassin, or slash.
Level 140+
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Re: Any melee mage using a wand??!!

as i said earlier in a different post, giving a mage a wand would make them even more op than they already are
in my opinion, mages main damage come from their spells, not from their weapon
notice how a mages spell damage is like 2 or 3 times (maybe more) than what a weapon that a rogue or warrior does
giving a mage a weapon that does a good amount of damage would just make them the invincible op class that does the same thing as a warrior or a rogue, except with magical spells that can do extra massive damage
Deathreaver - level 136 Warrior
Flametongue - level 62 Mage

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