Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Did you have it easy??

In your life of playing CH have you had it easy strange question but im curious to know.My story is i came across full warden and herioc ammy at a low level! And it didn't even feel like a chore it just came to me got lucky on drops as well and prices (maybe depends on server) so did you have it easy did it feel like a grind?

Re: Did you have it easy??

It is and was A grind at some point. When I was level 70 something maybe, I got A dragon disc from falgren (Update 2 when they were worth 100k-200k), and sold it and bought my heroic ammy! So that's what got me started off! I guess you could say I got it easy.
Clan: WolfGang
Chaz - Level 185+ Ranger - Full DL
Inferno19 - Level 127+ Mage
Sneakystrike - Level 195+ Rogue - Full DL
EpIcHeaLzz - Level 137+ Druid
Tankerzz - Level 127+ Warrior (PvP Beast: Invincible Veteran)

World: Mabon

Re: Did you have it easy??

Me? Have it easy? Oh boy...

I do admit I have had *decent* luck...

As a low lvl I was in a semi-noob clan (one highlvl who recruits lowlvls), and I earned lots of trust in that clan. When the leader got scammed of his heroics, he quit and gave the clan, and all his gear, to me, including a bloodlust, a golden ice wand, and a camo (i stupidly traded the camo for a sled, a golden growth charm, and a golden shrink). It was here when I bought my first regen item: a bronze energy ammy.

As a druid, and one of the only ones on the server at the time, I was bossing non-stop at a very young level. I greatly increased my capitol, published my guide for plat-less druids, and began training a generation of druids. I was scouted by theILLUMINATI, and was asked to join them once I reached lvl 70. Until that time, I bossed, went pure support, and oftentimes ran around stonevale and otherworld healing everyone to increase my reputation.

When I joined illum I was level 70 and still sporting woven silverleaf robe and skirt along with warden helm, gloves, and boots. I spent the next two weeks camping fal. In illum I met many highlvls, and became close friends with many of the members.

(around this time I became one of the first people in taranis to have a collection of 4 glass Natures Touch rings)

At level 85 a good friend of mine (named ScubaStab) quit the game and gave me his accnt (a lvl 90 rogue).

at lvl 90 my heal increased, and as celebration I bought a master's grimore and a focus crown. I there reached my heal peak of #9 in Taranis for highest heal.

During the summer event I ultimatly recieved: 3 greater midsummer sets, 2 greater solstice set, 2 Earthstone rings (greater def and lesser atk), lesser earthstone boots and gloves, and greater earthstone bp. Also during this event I killed a giant connacht boss and recieved magus shirt.

It was during this event where I started teaching myself and experimenting with the game mechanics, and mastered the art of surviving bosses without the use of idols (in other words, i mastered dodging area attacks). I went 100 levels before I used an idol.

During the halloween event I did corvax and dreadbone countless times.. but never received a drop (in comparison to my druid friend who recieved both a druid ammy and a charm....).

I am proud to say that I have been to 9/10 of the aggy kills, yet have never received a book.

During this yuletide event I have *almost* completed my askold and grimling weapon set. I have recieved a ymir hammer and spear, both of which I have given away to clanmates who had use for them.

**I also killed the connacht boss again, and finally now have connnacht robe and skirt**

Recently, I have taken up merching, and within one week reached two million (no I am not disclosing my strategies). I bought a +15 crush dmg ammy for 1 mill, and hope to buy that halloween charm mentioned previously, or greater/radiant earthstone greaves.

I am still level 115, and am raising rogue to duo-log level with my druid, with hopes of having both characters at lvl 150 by update. I recently received a wonderful gift from a friend of mine: a grand natures touch ring, which gives me the title of having the highest heal for any druid under level 120 (in all servers)

And that is my story. The story of a druid who started with nothing and had no one to guide him along the way, and is now one of the greatest druids in Taranis. With a little luck, hard work, and a positive attitude, you can achieve any goal.

Happy Healing,
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

Re: Did you have it easy??

I had it really easy for ages, when i started on mabon i joined a friends clan and was friends with a few higher lvls so i had help with shale and stonevale bosses and when I hit 60 my friend grimlocke brought me full quartz both regen ring and a masters grimmore he said it was cause i was loyal and was clans only 40+ druid he also helped me with lixs. Now i got friends that help me with bosses even tho im clanless so i think I had it extremely easy but i guess it's who you meet and who u make friends with and how loyal u are, but I had a amazing stroke of luck.
Homeless guy
Lvl 113+ Druid hybrid
IWarriorhd's favorite homeless druid, yea that's right get on my level :D

Re: Did you have it easy??

I had it pretty rough i started the game last year before the summer event at first i was doing goodi was in lvl50 so i just kept lvling but i came upon this fella who did the old give me pass word n all i make u gold so me being new n a noob i fell for this i lost my acc at this point i was about to quit ch but i decided to start over again with a mage i join a great clan omega triad it's mostly for nubs i was in that clan for the longest i lvl a mage to lvl92 but i stop to think that mages r to damm expensive i bought sigils for him but that wasnt enough so i started to think mages weren't my class i already had a warrior made lvl40 i use to use her as a bank but i started lvling at this point i had met a great friend name raginkat nicest person i ever met so me n her lvl our warriors together i was already higher lvl then her so i had already join her clan i decided to give omega a break n join holygrailz so ta ta ta ta i was doing good till it came to my attention that holygrailz wasn't growing fast im not greedy or anything but i hate to be stuck in one place so i ask join prime at lvl110 n i got decline so i push my self all week to make it to lvl120 n i ask again n this time i got accepted so i been good lately i been to most aggy fights seens i join im PROUD TO SAY I TANK AGGY ONCE i only wanted to do it onces so i been doing good now but rit now i hit a rough spot on my gamin so im in decision of either quiting n or staying n spending more plat to buy my gear back becuz my cousin who was holding all my things was scamm by somebody pretending to be me

It's a hard decision becuz rit now im at lvl143 im a warrior i work so damm hard to be we're im at now but i lost all my lux shop gear i had to a scammer so yah it's a hard decision either to get up or stay down
Don't be a hater be a Winner :p

Re: Did you have it easy??

I have to admit ive had it pretty easy since getting my heroic ammy at lvl 75.After that I just kept getting enough gold for lux gear through flipping discontinued item (camo charm,shrouded broom etc.). Now i am lvl 130 with all the lux(a warrior would need),frozen and 600k cash leftover.

Re: Did you have it easy??

I had it somewhat easy. At lvl 30ish, I was invited to a lvl 30-75 or so clan, Overkill. I had lots of fun in Overkill and leveled to 70, still in clan. I never bought any lux items, I focused on buying armor and weapons. (And useless charms :P ) At level 77, during the end of the summer event, I had a Crookback Assassin charm i was trying to sell. Then a high lvl (I can't for the life of me remember who it was) offered to trade a lesser es bp for it. I was shocked, and very happy. A few days later I traded it for a Greater es necky, which I sold and bought a used gold venom dagger, silver ammy of rejuv, and heroic gloves of haste. Soon after Overkill broke up, then my luck changed for the worse. I made some bad choices, and ruined some awesome relationships. Between constant harassment and dozens of enemies, my time had come, and I quit the game.
Midnite, Mage

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