you may also see that if he gets kicked outta beta you will know he's a scammer, you may have met him of beta and he's had a good impression but ive known him for a long time and then he stabbed me in the back and scammed me then he moved to another world...(too much grief from me and other players)i wasnt only one of his victim and if you ask many others in taranis(or our testers:immortalius(awsome guy) and infernal) they will tell you he is a known taranian scammer that has taken refuge in awrawnIf i get substantial evidence i will apologize to you and all whom i offended. But at the moment i stand on my previous position on this situation.
Re: Beta Choices...
#11181 Druid
166 Rouge
Veteran CH Player, playing since December 2011.
Proud owner of a white coven
Proud Member of Aeon
"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet"
There is no sweet fruit for CH...
166 Rouge
Veteran CH Player, playing since December 2011.
Proud owner of a white coven
Proud Member of Aeon
"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet"
There is no sweet fruit for CH...