that my friend is plain insulting. i am not overgeared at all, i was no where near max gear at the time, had no agg rings or braces making my dmg skills better, just my royal and grand strike and vine rings. do not underestamate druid dps either, i get kill over many ppl all the time, including major dpsers that have good gear and good dps build. and yes, also on lower bosses such as ironspike etc. come visit my world and see how many dpsers i outdmg with ease. on small bosses i dont even use pots. and i am doing a class appropriate job, as i stated before i switch a lot with plenty of alt books ready, also we had plenty of heals at the time so i had the option to go dps as my heals wouldnt make a real diff, while my dps did make a diff. i was acctually more usefull as dps then as support at those kills so dont you whine that a druid has dps. i spent lots of time testing and finding a good build, i have my perfected dps build and a perfected support build for myself. and big deal? it kinda is, not for me but for druids in general, as i know many have given up on the hope of ever becoming good dps. yes druids are ment to heal, my heal is still 1580 without rings and 1800+ with rings, i just have no buffs, i still solo overheal many bosses on a proper tank. if you want to hate on me thats fine, but dont hate on the fact a druid can be good dps, wich almost no one expected. id love to see your chars, i bet i have more knowledge on the druid class then you on your main class.Plus why is this getting so much attention and posts, oo big deal an overgeared druid who clearly wasn't doing his class appropriate job decided to go all out and dps aggy. Big deal, stop whining. Druids won't ever get kills on short kills like while levelling or smaller bosses. It's the damage over time stuff that adds up nicely and manages to get you the kill. If rend worked then rogues for sure would be top dps no matter what the scenario if they are properly geared.
so all in a row:
1. u said i was overgeared, not true. im no where near max gear and can increase my dps big time.
2. u said i wasnt doing my class appropriate job, my heal is still high and i am capable of overhealing many bosses by myself (up to wood) with a proper tank.
3. u said i went all dps and only on aggy, while i healed our tank as well when i saw his hp close to half and that made me miss some moments i could have casted a dps spell.
4. u said its not a big deal, while it might just bring hope for the dps druids that have(or almost have) given up on their class.
5. u said druids wont ever get kill on short bosses, while i get kill on them all the time, even with top dps there.
6. while lvling i take kills as well, unless the mage casts pierce lure (some ppl tell me to hold back when i lvl with them cuz i make xp worse).
7. the dmg over time does indeed make the kill, but strike also plays a big role as its the best reg skill dmg hitter and very powerfull when maxed. storm is underpowered.
8. rend would have to do 3 times the dmg it does now to be anywhere near good for rogues as proper dps skill, and i agree well geared rogues would get kills then.
5/8 points i got out of ur post where wrong.