Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Warden upgrade in the house!

A big congrats to the rockin rogue DarkCalypso of the clan Rapture Eve who got his warden weapon upgrade today!!

Picture coming as soon as I log off the game and upload it :)

and thanks again to all the clan members that shared their stuff unselfishly to help us achieve the first upgrade!
Arwen: Ranger lvl 164 chieftan Rapture Eve Rhiannon
BlueBird warrior tank lvl 88
Aurora68: Druid lvl 80
Morganelefaye: Mage lvl 81
Satine: Rogue lvl 115
Missbehavin: lvl 80Druid (on vacation) sulis

Re: Warden upgrade in the house!

Congrats DarkCalypso! Cant wait to get mine!

Congrats Rapture EVE!

Special thanks to Benn/Cicero
Pre-Update 5
Deucaleon- 203
Brightblade- 201

Pre-Update 4
Deucaleon-Warrior level 161

Pre-update 3
Deucaleon-Warrior level 105
Drucaleon-Druid level 90
Brightblade-Rogue level 101
Deucalion-Ranger level 90
Ducaleon-Mage level 96

Re: Warden upgrade in the house!

Here's a pic I took, cant wait to see the Sword.
125a.jpg (114.06 KiB) Viewed 2402 times
Pre-Update 5
Deucaleon- 203
Brightblade- 201

Pre-Update 4
Deucaleon-Warrior level 161

Pre-update 3
Deucaleon-Warrior level 105
Drucaleon-Druid level 90
Brightblade-Rogue level 101
Deucalion-Ranger level 90
Ducaleon-Mage level 96

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