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Server crashes resulting in lost plat/scammers

When we were killing agaroth the server crahsed twice 5% from when aggy was about to die. We used multiple elixers mainly combos and hastes, rez idols and restos. Upon asking for an item return a certin clanny who used 28 rez 10 resto and two combos got back 8 rez an resto. I dont know about you but this seems wrong. People use REAL money to buy these things and then they are wasted my server crahses. Just saying in total over 100 Rez were used due to us dieing on crahses and adds group, about 10 or so combos 10 or so hastes etc (plus restos) im just saying that if we lose items as the result of a server crash, they should be returned as it was not player error. Secondly if there is a scammer on a game and a CH game player posts their name on forums this should be allowed, this is not bringing shame on them or allowing embarrassment or creating discomfort, this is protecting fellow celtic heroes players from being scammed. I have no idea why scammers names who already go against the good nature of celtic heroes rules and gameplay should be protected. Maybe in other cases sure remove name. I have no idea why we should not be allowed to tell other people who they are. Personally being scammed resulted in me having to buy platinum to buy back the items i lost. I think that people will buy more platinum if we are sure that we can trust otm and faithfully know that this online game is not a place where "stealing" will be allowed.
Galadeep level 157+ Rogue :D :lol:
Coriolis level 125+ Druid :)
Solitaire Best Clan Ever :shock:
Hardest hitter on Gwydion without Earth stone :P

Re: Server crashes resulting in lost plat/scammers

I agree with allowing to show the scammer name to avoid newb to get scam
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