Like yrck has said before, any player can make their toon have high dps if that's focused on. Honestly, if you want to be dps with any class, that's possible. Yrck came up with a really good dps build for druid. He got 2 aggy kills. It means yrck did a good job with his stats and skills for druid. But if someone rebirthed many times trying out different dps builds, they would get a similar result, with any class.
Now if we go back to the real topic of this post, do druids need more damage? Skill wise, no. But if you want druids to be able to deal more physical damage, just a little, I think that's not a bad idea. Still, it's not really needed. If someone wants to be a dps druid they can, and yrck has proven this. The issue is it's not easy to solo level a druid at higher levels. This is true. But the structure of the game is to solo level to a point where you're useful, then train in a group. After all, it's an MMO for a reason.
Re: ideas for adding some dps to druid
#21Gwydion: GraybeardHalt, Bow/Knucks/Spear Ranger, 130+
RogueHalt, Yentle, HoraceTheBear, Pesticide
RogueHalt, Yentle, HoraceTheBear, Pesticide