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Re: Need help from a Druid pro

I don't buy anything from the lux shop because I hate the platinum idea.. I only bought more char slots, more hot bars, I don't feel like its right to buy items from the shop... I don't buy the training elixirs or anything really.
You buy sigils from item shop..not lux shop. And for druids..mana sigils are a must, if want ur group to survive a long boss run. Especially as spawns tend to attack healers and you get distracted from healing only and forced to attack. Which in turn will make your mana regen stop. Faster regen will then be a good thing.
Or u can have many druids in a boss run (at least two) and u can take turns healing your tank or group.
Anyway..i find sigils to be a good investment. Although...i might have to add a few more.. :'(
I have 1010 mana at the moment... Mana regen seems so slow.... Haha..
One more thing..if u are still at cats..meditate at 10/15 is good enough... Just dont max ur natures touch.. U will survive well..
World: Gwydion
Clan: Solitaire
Indira lvl 189 Druid , Job: Healer
LaVerne lvl 160 Rogue, Clan rank: Noob
LadyDiamond lvl 160 Connacht Warrior
BlackBerry lvl 185 Ranger ;Druid Lvl 125;Mage lvl 101

Re: Need help from a Druid pro

Ok, here are my thoughts on making a druid:

The main purpose of a druid is to heal a tank in boss fights. In order to be a good healer you must never run out of mana => maxed meditate is a must if no sigil or golden rejuv is bought. You have to heal fast => Natures touch and Embrace should be close to max. Additional armor to a tank is always a good thing (Shield of bark) and it will help you lvl a lot.

But don't try to max your healing skills before hitting lvl 50. Better max your meditate and attack first. When you reach lvl 50 - 60 use your free book of alternation and re-upgrade.
I would prefer to upgrade skills in the following order:

lvl 0 - 10
Lightning +3 (Total = 4)
Vines +3 (Total = 4)
Meditate +4 (Total = 5)

lvl 11 - 20
Lightning +2 (Total = 6)
Vines +1 (Total = 5)
Meditate +2 (Total = 7)
Shield of bark +2 (Total = 3)
Natures touch +3 (Total = 4)

lvl 21 - 30
Lightning +3 (Total = 9)
Vines +2 (Total = 7)
Meditate +3 (Total = 10)
Shield of bark +1 (Total = 4)
Natures touch +1 (Total = 5)

lvl 31 - 40
Lightning +3 (Total = 12)
Vines +2 (Total = 9)
Meditate +4 (Total = 14)
Natures touch +0 (Total = 5)
Shield of bark +1 (Total = 4)

lvl 41 - 50
Lightning +3 (Total = 15)
Vines +2 (Total = 11)
Meditate +1 (Total = 15)
Shield of bark +2 (Total = 6)
Natures touch +2 (Total = 7)

lvl 51 - 60
Lightning +0 (Total = 15)
Vines +4 (Total = 15)
Meditate +0 (Total = 15)
Shield of bark +2 (Total = 8)
Natures touch +4 (Total = 11)

When you hit 60 a lot may change, maybe you will get a golden rejuv or will understand that you are ok to wait more than 2 full cycles of meditate (2 + 2 min) for your mana pool to restore. So your next goal is to max Embrace, Touch and Shield, whether you continue lvling or re-upgrade with a book of alternation.

- Root is useless for now, as it will only save you enough HP that you can heal with a single Touch. I guess Bolas is much more efficient. Let the rangers kite )
- I see no point in upgrading abundance. There are no bosses that can one hit a good tank and you should be able to full heal him before the next nuke.
- Bandage, Recuperate, Energy boost - don't waste your skill point on them either.
- Wind may be a good choice but on higher lvl, after you max you essential skills.
- Calm - when in a team with a tank it is better for them to use taunt. When you are alone it won't help. So no need in upgrading it.

Put all stats in focus and vitality. Maybe 1 vit on every 2-3 focus.
ZorG @ Rhiannon : 84 ~ Druid

Re: Need help from a Druid pro

All good ZorG, I agree with most of that.
But I'd like to add that with Abundance you don't need to waste stat points on Vit and can add some to Attack, which helps you cast skills while in battle, as you dodge more you don't get as many disrupted skill casts and in dodging you also take less damage (My method only, by no means'the way' to do it) :D
Proud Rapture till the end!!

Cicero: Druid lvl 87 Guardian of RaptureEVE Rhiannon
Benn: Warrior lvl 86 Clansmen of RaptureEVE Rhiannon
BennJr: Ranger lvl 36 Guardian of RaptureLITE Rhiannon

Re: Need help from a Druid pro

All good ZorG, I agree with most of that.
But I'd like to add that with Abundance you don't need to waste stat points on Vit and can add some to Attack, which helps you cast skills while in battle, as you dodge more you don't get as many disrupted skill casts and in dodging you also take less damage (My method only, by no means'the way' to do it) :D

For addition in team contribution
Abundance is a good choice for fighting new boss or bringing young tank to fight giant druid, it increases his chance to survive under double lighting combo.
NatureHigh-Druid-Level 91

Re: Need help from a Druid pro

here are my thoughts idk if they will be much help now this post is prob to old.

Well if your a druid you want most of your points in focus, after so many put a little bit in vitality.Also for a driud you have alot of needed skills that need to be accesed quick so you want to buy all extra hotbar slots.

>Skills not needed for druid<
-Recuperate (10coin)
-Bandage Wounds (3coin [but free in castle])
-Calm (50coin)

>Skills crutial for a druid to own and use<
-Natures Touch (30coin)
-Natures Embrace (100coin)
-Abundance (80coin)
-Sheild of Bark (70coin)
-Stangling Vines (30coin)
-Lightning Strike (you start with it)
-Meditate (Note: If you buy 30 energy sigils you dont need meditat)(30coin)

>Skills not really needed but can be usefull<
-Howling Wind (20coin)
-Grasping Roots(10coin)

Now i recomend to start out just like you always do fill up your lightning strike to 5 and then save your money because druid skills are very exspensive, as shown above. When you start just go along the main story line till you need to go to the town at that point you should be able to afford Natures touch and Natures embrace start with those three inculding lightning strike. Now you can heal after before and during battle. Fore filling your skills first i recommend lightning strike,then Natures touch, then Natures embrace, Then Sheild of bark, Then Abundance at that point you will be a lvl 71 :). After you fill those up have fun and try new ones i find Strangling vines to be very helpfull.Quick reminder dont forget to get staff traing in the castle and nature training in highshore village.

My toon name is Drpeppers i am a lvl 70 druid and if you have any questions on what some skills do before you play post them and ill get right to you.

(Note: do not, and i cant stress this enough waste your money on weapons or armor just follow the story line quest you get better armore as you go.)

(last thing i promise, it gets very hard to lvl as a druid our defence isnt as high and neither is our health seeing as we put it all in energy. But just stick with it and it gets alot easier)
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: Need help from a Druid pro

All good ZorG, I agree with most of that.
But I'd like to add that with Abundance you don't need to waste stat points on Vit and can add some to Attack, which helps you cast skills while in battle, as you dodge more you don't get as many disrupted skill casts and in dodging you also take less damage (My method only, by no means'the way' to do it) :D

For addition in team contribution
Abundance is a good choice for fighting new boss or bringing young tank to fight giant druid, it increases his chance to survive under double lighting combo.
When your tank has 3k HP he doesn't need any more, even if its +500 HP.
ZorG @ Rhiannon : 84 ~ Druid

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