Thats a very interesting story "chief" but i think you left out the part where you drove others to quit, backed out on deals when your word was trusted in good faith, or how about the part you where you'd ks your own clannies.... (charming) but my absolute favorite part is how the noble solitaire is all up in arms over what my clannies did to you guys on aggy, duely noted i wasn't their so i don't know why they did it.... the fact that your complaining just makes you look so conceded in yourself, when you were the one to try ks my clannies on pyrus not even 2 days later after we were formed, I heard most of your group even stood down cause they knew it wasn't the right way to go about things, kinda shows alot about your true character, now while it's all well and fine to talk about snakes in the grass blah blah blah, I am all too happy to admit I spearheaded my vision, and il be honest bout time someone stood up to the fearsome "dragon lady"... now what i find amusing is how perfect my "little plan" is working... i mean wow its happening faster than i'd ever hoped for and the best part is, you guys are doing my work for me without even realising it, its too easy, you really think any plan you hatch to stop gwydions most elite from uniting is gonna work, come on you found out about this plan after it happened, iv put months of work into this,Its an unstoppable freight train. just sit back and enjoy the ride my fury little friends. P.s hope everyone's enjoying the show now that certain key members have all played their part, lets just say its nearly time for ACT III hearts and smiley faces etc etc