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#1So im on the Sulis forums occasionally... I notice how much fighting there is. Its unbearable! If I get enough mates, I shall come and make a toon here to help restore the broken circle of players. We shall once again be united in this mere game of friends and family. FYI- I used to be YellowJacket. Friends with some of you. Deleted account to travel to Rhiannon.
Name - 5000 (5k)
Class - ranger
Lvl - 76+
Clan BadaBing
I am the Almighty PlayerOne from Crom, I quit there but this is merely just for my friends!
Why is there the need for hate?
Class - ranger
Lvl - 76+
Clan BadaBing
I am the Almighty PlayerOne from Crom, I quit there but this is merely just for my friends!
Why is there the need for hate?