I have played by the rules, waiting in line, not ksing ragnor and killing other players.
After today, that is not me.
I was on my mage, Exalted, and was almost ksed by Cyphilus, TheKing, and Seasalt.
I will not stand for this, as of now, anyone in the arena except clan awakening and few friends outside of that clan are hostile to me.
This means that i will not wait in line, i will kill, i will ks.
If you do the same to me, so be it.
But i will not follow rules when they are broken to me.
Thank you and best wishes
Discharge's Rules of the Arena.
Last edited by RechargeRHH on Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Guide to Warden/Meteo/Frozen/Dragon Weps : http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =4&t=32427