Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: T-DAWG or D-BAG?

Dbag smh tyler. Woa in the wall hey another wall hacker aswell +1 for banning
Last edited by Allyme on Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Former lvl 148 warrior

miss all you gwydion civilians

Re: T-DAWG or D-BAG?

Scsthas cool :) +1 on banning Dbag
Sephiroth89 221 Warrior
Zaraki 225Rogue
Mince 221 Mage
SilentHit 225 Ranger

Member of a cult

We all have Light & Dark impulses what defines us is which we chose to act on.

Re: T-DAWG or D-BAG?

Wow thats mean bud
Galadeep level 157+ Rogue :D :lol:
Coriolis level 125+ Druid :)
Solitaire Best Clan Ever :shock:
Hardest hitter on Gwydion without Earth stone :P

Re: T-DAWG or D-BAG?

Ban him thats terrible
Galadeep level 157+ Rogue :D :lol:
Coriolis level 125+ Druid :)
Solitaire Best Clan Ever :shock:
Hardest hitter on Gwydion without Earth stone :P

Re: T-DAWG or D-BAG?

Yes I am also sorry for my clannies action. This is not acceptable and will be dealt with ASAP.
World: Gwydion

Wiffle- LVL 152+ -Rogue

Started playing on May 3rd, 2012.

Re: T-DAWG or D-BAG?

All the respect i had for tyler has now Faded :oops: its sad to say that but there is nothing else i can to do to turn the time back around.. D-BAG? :o tyler if you are reading this, i'm sorry but you are a shame to this game :?

Ohh and whats a D-BAG? :shock:
My cooldownsare longer than most people but for you I can make them 2 minutes.

Glorious 182
I prefer to use my skills up close and personal

Re: T-DAWG or D-BAG?

a douche-bag :))

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