These are soli's stipulations and the way that we will run aggy from now on... If any clan has the aggy run under "control" all who know how to kill aggy understand what "control" means. We will not interfere with their run in anyway. If the clan fails to have the run under "control" and fail ..we will form up and kill aggy. It is our intentions to keep aggy dead as he spawns in order for more aggy kills to be accomplished. There is no reason to let aggy just sit there while we could be killing him. This is for any clan who wishes to kill aggy
As far as unlimited goes...soli members will not be ksed nor will we ks anyone doing the arena quest nor on any other mob. We will instruct all of our members to follow these rules and to report anyone breaking these terms. Soli will implement this as soon as we hear from the Chief of unlimited with an agreement from him/her. I speak on behalf of all of Soli and this is our only offer.
Soli and aggy runs