by Sweefish
It's always unfortunate when someone without any discipline or maturity gets into a clan that has standards and maturity. I have been with blood grove for a while now. I have been on numerous boss runs and have seen multiple fragments drop. The leaders of the clan have been amazing at making sure each member is getting progression of equipment. In the game the only people that have had any problem with our clan have been beggars, or people who don't want to work for levels or equipment. You see you won't see a member of blood grove begging, or buying or selling fragments. Why is that do you ask, because you could sell fragments and make good money. Because we take care of our clan members. I imagine the reason you weren't happy is you didnt get something you wanted. Waaa Waaa. Blood grove members help each other. I personally have given up a fragment for a higher level that they needed for the torso armor and took the price for the easier to come by glove armor. Because the other player is more experienced and has been doing more boss runs then me.
My experience in life their are the victims or those whose outlook is based on what other people do. And then their are the successful doers whose outlook is based on the understanding that they control their own destiny. For you Brosius whoever you are sounds like you are an eternal victim.
If you enjoy being part of a winning TEAM then blood grove is the best. I'd your selfish and want all the glory then good luck trying to find a group to boss run with.
Sweefish - Druid - 55
World - Gwydion - semi retired in 2020
- restarted in 2022 on Herne - 220 (rogue)
Searching for the next adventure.