Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Jailbreak - Taking Names

I agree with what u are saying. however i donot approve of the new ios updates since it has no longer allowed me to use my ipod to play this game. because of the ios update to ios 6.1 the app continues to crash to the point where i cant even get to the log in page.

I believe that, like the files for gold or stores, the collision files should be setup in the server so no one is able to access them with either jailbreak or whatever method they use.
Continuum lvl 108 - Warrior (retired)
Belgariad lvl 155 - Rogue MAIN
Arkarian lvl 80+ - Druid
Proud member of ArgoSin :D

Velvet lvl 100+ - Rogue
CeNedra - Druid
http://www.youtube.com/user/jingyingmartialarts/ check us out! :)

Re: Jailbreak - Taking Names

I find it amusing certain people are trying to crack down on jailbreak users when they themselves jailbreak and use wall-hacks to ks others. Feel free to try to get others in trouble for what you yourself also do... Very valiant of you. Dont be mad cuz u lose. What doesn't kill u makes u stronger.
DivineDaggers-Rogue-Lvl-170+ Second device.
Clan (Outliers) World Rhiannon

Re: Jailbreak - Taking Names

Actually I currently do not know of a single EternalSin player that is using Jailbreak. I know of several that are no longer in our clan. There was two members of our clan that used it when it first was popular, but they have added back the files.

As for EternalSin members KSing, well that rarely happens and if it does it could result in an immediate removal from our clan. We, unlike other clan do not tolerate this, unlike other major clans in our world.

So get you facts straight.

Re: Jailbreak - Taking Names

I have said before, people play how they want to play. I will not tell someone if they can or can not use this hack, however I will NOT allow them to use it to gain such a huge advantage. If Aggy goes up the wall, they stay at the bottom of the wall and wait for him to come down. Would certainly not have our tanks purposely taunt and PUSH him up the wall.

I have seen 1 or 2 of our members use this hack before. Notably in the Arena (and the arena is a joke anyway with idol usage allowed), but I would never let them, nor encourage them to use it to KS (as I know they don't), nor to gain any huge advantage on a boss fight. The ones i know of have also re-downloaded CH.

Would also like to note that this is not a 'Clan' thing, so is not a 'they' tag. This is individual. Just because we know 1 person uses it, doesn't mean that a whole clan uses it, which goes both ways.

I do know for fact though, that none of our members have previously used it to cheat on a boss, as we wouldn't allow it. However, it seems it is the new bossing tactic, so is fair game now.
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: Jailbreak - Taking Names

Encouraging others to use it (pushing up wall), is just as bad as using it anyway.

The issue IMO, is not the usage of the hack, but more to do with the situation it has been used in. Aggy should not be able to go out of bounds at all, simple as that. Then, the people using this hack would not have such an advantage.
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: Jailbreak - Taking Names

Anybody cheating like this should be permanently removed. On aggranoth, ragnor or otherwise. It shows malicious intend to get an advantage.

Should be very simple decision. The death of these MMO games is when any cheating is allowed. Who knows what the next hacker will do?
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Re: Jailbreak - Taking Names

I dont know exactly in the game rules but if you know of someone who hacks the game to gain whatever advantage and not reporting it. Are you not equally guilty and deserves same punishment or at least some slap in the face saying do not join with hackers and cheaters?
  • Playing since Christmas 2011
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