Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Christmas Event Now Live!

Admin, thank you for giving us a special Christmas in Rhiannon this year, however I was hoping to bring some things to your attention, I have listed them below for easy viewing.

- people float in the air after they teleport to the cross roads in lirs
- items disappearing
- constant game crashes, myself and others are experiencing allot of game crashes.

- the snowman takes to long to respawn for how many of them are located
- I have searched all over lirs to find a snow golem, I have waited and waited in areas to make sure I did not miss them... I was even told where they are found ( supposedly ) and still did not find them after waiting and waiting.
- please add more snow golems and have them with relatively fast respawn times.

Thanks and merry Christmas!

Re: Christmas Event Now Live!

- I have searched all over lirs to find a snow golem, I have waited and waited in areas to make sure I did not miss them... I was even told where they are found ( supposedly ) and still did not find them after waiting and waiting.
- please add more snow golems and have them with relatively fast respawn times.
Snow golems.
If they are up, you get an x on your maps.
and they actually spawn rather fast compared to the long times of everything else...
Snow golems spawn behind high shore village.

Re: Christmas Event Now Live!

Disappointed with the MASSIVE lag, freezing, crashing, etc. I almost want to quit just for the xmas patch because I can't really even enjoy it but my clan needs me -.-
Formerly the original Eo.
iOS Beta Tester Pre-Otherworld
Currently KEnergy
Been a Part of the Greatest Clans in Rosmerta through the thick and thin.
Templars - TemplarElites - Synergy - KSksers - Alliance - United - Revenge - Mythology

Re: Christmas Event Now Live!

Disappointed with the MASSIVE lag, freezing, crashing, etc. I almost want to quit just for the xmas patch because I can't really even enjoy it but my clan needs me -.-
Hey there, could you give a few examples of the issues you are having - the patch shouldn't make any difference to lags or crashes.

What device are you running the game on, and did you experience any of these issues before the patch went live?


Re: Christmas Event Now Live!

Disappointed with the MASSIVE lag, freezing, crashing, etc. I almost want to quit just for the xmas patch because I can't really even enjoy it but my clan needs me -.-
Hey there, could you give a few examples of the issues you are having - the patch shouldn't make any difference to lags or crashes.

What device are you running the game on, and did you experience any of these issues before the patch went live?

Ok, So during Ferris, I freeze so, action is happening in reality and I can chat in real time, but on my screen, nothing is moving. I basically have to take commentary from people around me or relog. Also, during boss fights or whenever in general, I just crash and I know this isn't just me. My ping is very jumpy now, stablizes for a few minutes then disconnects or whatnot. Before xmas patch, I had the same problems as did everyone else but to a lesser extent, but with the xmas patch IMO it's been just absurd.

Im running on iPod Touch 4G. Yes, I experienced these issues before but to a lesser extent as I stated above.
Formerly the original Eo.
iOS Beta Tester Pre-Otherworld
Currently KEnergy
Been a Part of the Greatest Clans in Rosmerta through the thick and thin.
Templars - TemplarElites - Synergy - KSksers - Alliance - United - Revenge - Mythology

Re: Christmas Event Now Live!

Hey there, thanks for the extra info.

Are you using 3G when this happens? Is it when the area is more crowded with players or at any time? Just in Lir's reach?

Just trying to gather as much as possible so we can look to getting it fixed.


Re: Christmas Event Now Live!

Same thing happened to two of my clan mates during boss fight. I think it has a lot to do with population in lirs reach. My experience has been real laggy on 3g also
99 Druid
88 Rogue
71 Ranger
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Druids surviving nerf bats since 2011

Re: Christmas Event Now Live!

Hey admin.
I have had the same problems as EnergyK. But I have had it for some time before patch and with the patch I get it worse. When I was almost at the giant, there were many people there and I crashed. Another time I was fighting the guard and I froze when the giant came in the died and couldn't respawn. It's the same it stone it's rare if I don't crash during or before a boss fight.
I use a 4g iPod and all other internet apps work fine so I don't think it's my internet. If u could try get back as soon as possible with something I could do or what happening I would be verry interested in hearing about it :)

Another thing with this patch is it possible to shorten the times between the bosses because everyone can't get in and enjoy the fun when they come up every 2 hours roughly.
Apart from that good job keep it up and hope to see u back in our world :)
Bean - 94 - Warrior - Rhiannon

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