+1Topics about top clans are getting annoying
Re: Revenge new awake
#11Guide to Warden/Meteo/Frozen/Dragon Weps : http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =4&t=32427
+1Topics about top clans are getting annoying
only clan bank that can take major ow bosses ona regular base, without needing all top lvls on. only clan bank that could beat awake in ffas every now and then. only clan bank that has taken aggragoth already and only clan bank that can make a good fight out of most top bosses even when ppl trying to "ks" us. also we take obelisk every now and then. idk if horizons is bank, but i think they are. and i havent seen horizons on anything better then woodcrown so yeah...You are not the only decent bank clan
Lmaoonly clan bank that can take major ow bosses ona regular base, without needing all top lvls on. only clan bank that could beat awake in ffas every now and then. only clan bank that has taken aggragoth already and only clan bank that can make a good fight out of most top bosses even when ppl trying to "ks" us. also we take obelisk every now and then. idk if horizons is bank, but i think they are. and i havent seen horizons on anything better then woodcrown so yeah...You are not the only decent bank clan
Is this drama club?... Oh sorry wrong place
Perhaps if you had given this clarification in your first post I would not have felt the need to point out you are not the only decent bank clanAlso laughing at this post which is actually not funny is very immature. Who said I was referring to Horizons' anyway? Sometimes all these "high levels" forget that there are hundreds on clans on Rosemerta
You want some detailed info ?The fact of the matter is you say pixel work. Nu uh mate i have to say. I was in united no matter how unactive some people are if there a gen they are geared first. Its great for low levels imo superb but if your not a gen and you wanna be top of your class you will never beat te gen in your clan no matter how much you work. To say its about work rate is half true but lets not forget i was in united for a long time and i know what clan bank is.
Someone who is a warrior gets first
A ranger gets first
A rogue gets first
A druid gets first
And a mage gets first
I think you can all tell which of the classes will all get first pick. No name but why do you think alot of old people from united stuck to awake.
This is not to bash your clan this is simply to state the other side which you hve not seen yet.
This is also how i see the other side of awake. You ent getting a drop if you not there yes there is some look buy check the most active warrior in our clans ben and godo. Both hardly miss a aggy and both geared. Forestress has missed like 3 aggy... One of the best geared druids on rose. Presmajic has been super active over the past few months and have managed to become the best geared mages. Myself i haven't been as active as recently but you look before a got fully equiped 2 months ago... Active as hell.. Nibi devils. Active and work hard yes some of there gear is brought for sure. But if your farming gold cause ur active it becomes no problem.
Fish means active players benifit imo yes you might have some bad luck but the players that are threat the fight always have a chance to get the drop they want.
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