Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Help Admins !

There are very many appeals usually on a daily bases and it takes time for them to respond to every single one so don't fret they aren't ignoring you
DIAMONDNOBLE9-179+ ROUGE Full DragonLord
DiamonAye-76+Rouge Arawn
Proud Clansman of Inner Circle

Admin read

I wonder if u will read my appeal bc i sended 3 appeals and 2 of them i failed like i wrote user name and world an other 1 i wrote only a short summary so i wonder if u will still read my GOOD appeal THX

Re: Support response?

They will but they might not un ban the account. You should also plan to wait up to two weeks for a response
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: Support response?

Recently I sent a ticket because my 2nd character disappeared on one of my accounts . It's an anxious time waiting for a response and not being sure of exactly what you wrote in your ticket unless you were thinking ahead and took a screen shot . In my experience with the tickets I have sent they always respond but sometimes they are very busy with requests and it can take some time .

It's rough but the only thing to do is wait it out patiently , I'm sure the guy on the support end is busy and when he can respond he will , also take into consideration that sometimes on the support end the investigating takes some time .
Clan Avalon


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