Hey Noobs
#1Listen up noobs of Lugh. I you see someone training skills please leave their mobs alone. If asked to stop, stop. Failure to stop will generally lead to one or two conclusions. One, you will be ksed until you leave the area. Two, any assistance you might need in the future will probably go unheard making life tougher to level and get quest completed. What I have seen is it is generally the new clans and toons around 75 or so. Yes, we all know you need to level, however, there is plenty of places to go elsewhere. One clan in particular is bad abou this. I won name names because of the rules of the forum. That clan is not very heroic in my eyes. So noobs of Lugh, instead of killing someone's mob, wait just a bit. Have a good one.
Sarge1 : Druid 180+ Chief of Craven