#1Yes.. The tyrant of Celtic heroes has dedicided to put down his sword and abdicate to Elba. HE humbly returned power back to the senate and left His chief advisor SOCRATES in charge of the senate of the greatest empire known in Celtic heros. TAEOSTINE is no more. Socrates is a softer man.. He spends more time with his grandchildren on his knee then in political affairs these days but has wisdom to share with his clan. As a lvl 65 druid Socrates will be there to help his clan along instead of creating wars and turmoil.. The taeostinian senate will run Celtic heroes as a oligarchy of taeos strongest guardians.. Unlike Alexander the greats empire , taeos empire will flourish after his departure bc peace and unity have created the utopian world that he wanted in the first place with peace among all nations within mabon. Haven and masmar have signed peace accords with us and now we look forward to the pax romana of Celtic heroes from here on out!