...Nice job on repeating things lmao. And is spikes even worth it?
Anyway... I think spikes is totally worth it. Unfortunately it doesn't do as much damage as I wish it did (386 dex and it normally does about 60 some damage on a mob im leveling on... and I have it maxed of course...). That said, its an awesome skill. I like it because the damage it does helps you get better damage numbers. For instance say I just hit 240 on a thorn tree. Without spikes on I only get 240 dmg. But with spikes on lets say it caused 60 damage before I shot it again. that means I just doled out a total of 300 damage... nice increase.

Oh and alpha, the reason I like to quote things is to make the post run smooth. If I just randomly put things everywhere and no quotes people wouldn't be able to orient themselves. Also when your used to putting quotes in papers and stuff to back up what you say... it rubs off into other things that you do.

I would agree on assassins lure helping boost spikes.Honestly it depends but most rangers can't be bothered with them .
Damage is fairly low but on fast hitting bosses it adds up , also if nuck or spear ranger there are not many other skills to use . If you level with a Mage casting assassins lure spikes are decent . The real problem with defensive spikes is the spell does not last long , only 60 seconds , if spikes lasted 120 seconds it would be a much stronger skill .
Spikes is in my opinion the coolest animation in the game .

And it is the coolest animation in game no doubt about it.
Also, I only use 4 skills at max anyway, including spikes. Most of our other skills are crap in my opinion (except possibly bolas as it has its uses, and I of course use rapid at 1). We need a multi arrow skill shot to serve as an aoe attack.