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Re: Ranger questions?

Nice job on repeating things lmao. And is spikes even worth it?

Anyway... I think spikes is totally worth it. Unfortunately it doesn't do as much damage as I wish it did (386 dex and it normally does about 60 some damage on a mob im leveling on... and I have it maxed of course...). That said, its an awesome skill. I like it because the damage it does helps you get better damage numbers. For instance say I just hit 240 on a thorn tree. Without spikes on I only get 240 dmg. But with spikes on lets say it caused 60 damage before I shot it again. that means I just doled out a total of 300 damage... nice increase. :twisted:

Oh and alpha, the reason I like to quote things is to make the post run smooth. If I just randomly put things everywhere and no quotes people wouldn't be able to orient themselves. Also when your used to putting quotes in papers and stuff to back up what you say... it rubs off into other things that you do. :lol:
Honestly it depends but most rangers can't be bothered with them .

Damage is fairly low but on fast hitting bosses it adds up , also if nuck or spear ranger there are not many other skills to use . If you level with a Mage casting assassins lure spikes are decent . The real problem with defensive spikes is the spell does not last long , only 60 seconds , if spikes lasted 120 seconds it would be a much stronger skill .

Spikes is in my opinion the coolest animation in the game .
I would agree on assassins lure helping boost spikes. :D But I think it lasts a decent amount of time. It lasts long enough to finish off at least one mob and start or go through a second one even sometimes. Or you just cast it before every mob battle. Which means spikes never runs out... :twisted: I realize for fast levelers its useless, but if your trainin solo or in a small group you appreciate every single extra sliver of damage you can give to mobs! If it lasted 2 whole minutes... That would be outta this world cool! Talk about a lot less pauses in trainin... which means more mob deaths! :twisted:

And it is the coolest animation in game no doubt about it.

Also, I only use 4 skills at max anyway, including spikes. Most of our other skills are crap in my opinion (except possibly bolas as it has its uses, and I of course use rapid at 1). We need a multi arrow skill shot to serve as an aoe attack. :twisted:
Napstrike- 88+ DPS Rogue- Ninja Pirates
Napol- Ranger

Napol- 130+ Hybrid Ranger
Napol2- 83 DPS Rogue

Re: Ranger questions?

Spikes takes 2 seconds to cast and must be cast on target within 6 meters , lasts 60 seconds , figure you are casting spikes on tank for Aggy , have to run within 6 meters , cast , and run back , I figure that's at least 15 seconds out of every 60 seconds being used to cast . What does that mean ? Casters total damage per min is down to 75% of what it would be if not casting spell , so spikes needs to do more than that missing 25% to make it useful . If and I suspect this is the case , if it does roughly the same damage as I would do at 35/35 then the only way it's worth it is if I have the skill set at 50/35 and even then the gain in total dps is minimal .

Make the spell last 2 mins and it becomes a much more viable weapon for rangers , 1 min simply is not long enough .
Clan Avalon


Re: Ranger questions?

I have recently made a ranger but which stats and skills should I upgrade the most?
Rogue - Bugs 221
Been a Celtic Heroes Shill since 2011 ._.
"There are so many bugs in this game that sometimes it feels like I’m playing Starship Troopers"

Re: Ranger questions?

i played with spikes for a while when i used a str build - mostly because i had nothing else to put points in (i maxed steady aim, rapid, heal, bolas).

the main problem, if your not (as eliminator suggested) an knucks/spear ranger, is that def spikes only work at close range, but you are likely spending your time at a distance (esp if you are using bolas). so the time it takes to cast spike will likely cost you an auto shot (whose dmg is possibly more than the spikes will cause). also, considering that my mobs are mostly dead by the time they get in range (if i bola), i just rarely used them.

I suppose if you use entangle - spikes might get more use (though they are supposedly only attacking half as much - so maybe not). They may also be cool in pvp, but i rarely do pvp so cant speak to that.
Civility, Integrity, and the Hermeneutic of Generosity

World: Lugh
Akbar: Ranger 220+
DrXyn-Druid 180+
Xyn: Mage 170+
Rabka: Rogue 150+
Rabak: Warrior 90+
Clan: Chieftain of Ancients

Re: Ranger questions?

Spikes takes 2 seconds to cast and must be cast on target within 6 meters , lasts 60 seconds , figure you are casting spikes on tank for Aggy , have to run within 6 meters , cast , and run back , I figure that's at least 15 seconds out of every 60 seconds being used to cast . What does that mean ? Casters total damage per min is down to 75% of what it would be if not casting spell , so spikes needs to do more than that missing 25% to make it useful . If and I suspect this is the case , if it does roughly the same damage as I would do at 35/35 then the only way it's worth it is if I have the skill set at 50/35 and even then the gain in total dps is minimal .

Make the spell last 2 mins and it becomes a much more viable weapon for rangers , 1 min simply is not long enough .
Yes I would agree with those calculations. To be honest I rarely cast spikes on the tank for bossing, although I do do it sometimes.

It would also be a lot more useful if it caused more like say 100 damage on every hit you get (at 20/20 or 25/25) and say more like 200 at 35/35. :lol: I know to think that is kinda op and totally evil to mobs though. :twisted: Especially if someone has assassins lure... :twisted: But so yeah. :lol:
Napstrike- 88+ DPS Rogue- Ninja Pirates
Napol- Ranger

Napol- 130+ Hybrid Ranger
Napol2- 83 DPS Rogue

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