Some of the other threads were only comparing the ratios of the clans listed in the top 10 of power ratings, that doesn't mean they're the best clans in terms of comparing power ratios. Also they were going by total member count which isn't what makes up the power ratings, active member count seems to. I expanded it to the top 40 listed in power ratings to get a better idea. Even this list doesn't reflect the exact top 40 clan power ratios, it's the power ratings to active members ratios of the clans listed in the top 40 of Most Powerful/power ratings.
If OTM were to include a power ratio under power ratings or under it's own category we'd get a clear top 40 power ratio list. And indeed if the Most Powerful/power ratings are determined by active members as it does seem to be, I'm not sure why they include the amount of total members of a clan next to the power ratings. To me it gives off the impression that it is determined by total members instead of active member count.
I'm not saying these are the top 40 best clans in CH, these are simply the rankings of the power ratios (power rating / active member) from the pool of the top 40 clans listed under Most Powerful/power rating. To me best or top clan is subjective, just as I feel best class or best player is. If you feel you have the best or top clan because you enjoy playing with your clan and feel the camaraderie between your clan mates is best, then your clan is the best where it really matters, to you and your mates.