Celtic Heroes

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I have a suggestion. I think the rogue is too good and the mage is still to Bad. I hate it when try to lvl my lvl 30 warrior and a lvl 20 rogue Just steal my kill because He does 300 damage. Thats Not fair and i think the rogue should Be nerded fast , otherwhise all people will Play it in few weeks. On the other Hand is the mage very Bad. My Friends mage lvl 45 does 200 dmg , a rogue lvl 20 Males that damage.
Pleace balance that ! :)

Re: Balance

I also have a mage level 40.
I am doing 160 on my firebolt.
My fire magic is 391.
I think the Sneak skill has a 12 second cooldown? Is that right? I'm not sure. Haha.
I understand that since the Firebolt cooldown is short that we do not do a enormous amount of damage.
IGN: Nito (Mage)
IGN: Nitio (Druid)
World: Mabon
Clan: Rebels

Re: Balance

Sure but you Need a Lot more Time + Energy to do the damage a rogue does. He can just onehit every 12 (?) seconds a Mob and a mage Often have to wait minutes for new Energy...

Re: Balance

Yeah but you really dont Need when you just onehit a Mob and then Run Away. I prefer they nerf this skill and Buff the others. Cause Often when in try to lvl some Very Funny rogues Camp behind me and then when the Mob is half down steal my kill!-.-
Maybe you should could use this spell only when the Mob isnt in a Fight

Re: Balance

If they buff the Mage Firebolt, you will have the same problem with kill stealing.
Mages will get another damage spell in the update which is suppose to be more powerful than Firebolt.
IGN: Nito (Mage)
IGN: Nitio (Druid)
World: Mabon
Clan: Rebels

Re: Balance

Hey Yesteryear look at my post that sais WTF Is With Skills? It explains something that you may agree on if you havent already seen it.
World: Arawn
IGN: Loopworm
Clan: RedBranch
Level: 36 Rogue

Re: Balance

The cool time is long enough also we have to be , be-hind the npc to use the skill , we can't use it in battle it costs alot of energy and we have low energy. Mobs can kill us in like 4 hits because our hp is low. Out damage output is low when we normally hit with a dagger and you're saying that were overpowered, you might want to reconsider mate ...
Ign: spyro
Class: rogue

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