Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: About multiple devices

What we have here ..... Great post btw ^^^
So shot him out of the sky .....
So i know what happened and i know who that is ....
Someone from my server ,our clan LOL ,anyways clan awak has rules if a boss is lvl 140 for you to qualify in a drop loot dice roll you have to as a warrior/rouge/ranger min lvl 130 (sure you can help but you won't roll ) as for druids/mages min lvl 120
And before i joined that clan it didnt matter if you came with 4 accounts lvl 140 you still roll ones ...
So i talked to chief and it was raised to if you multi box you get 2 rolls (tho i help with all )
Reason for that is it will promte ppl to 2 box .fyi that person has 2 ipods and he just uses one question why?
Too much work to lvl another toon ..... When there was 1 roll rule many players have 2 iPods but dont help now they all 2 boxing still bad ratio 2-9 but he still dont want to lvl his toon
So i won agg drops and 140 drops 4 in row then he cracked and rages here .....
Now who's selfish and who's greedy ....
16 boxer!! All Seeing One
Owner of 6 camos,2 broom of dooms,white carpet , 2011 HP pendant
First to take Necro down!!!

Re: About multiple devices

Are there any plans to resolve this issue? Sure some people use multiple devices to xfer things between characters. But what about these guys who seriously have 4-5 characters logged in on multiple devices and just solo kill bosses? And they can train their characters better then eveyone else cause they r just healing outside of group. Just today I seen two people with all their characters in a full group killing the 140 dragon. What kind of crap is this? Well I guess on the up side.... I'm not sleeping alone at night! Well neither are those guys... Their bed is full of apple devices
I am a penta-boxer which is apparently exactly what this guy doesn't like. I am very accustomed to this type of opinion and attitude. Mostly everyone I've encountered has had some kind of reservation or disliking of multi-boxers. Until recently I have not been powerful enough to defeat significant bosses but now that my characters are getting up in levels I have been able to tank lvl 140 ythair dragon and most people's opinions have changed to very postitive views, especially when I randomly help other clans tank bosses that are wiping them out. I've been accused of everything since I've been multi boxing and I stopped defending myself a while ago. Anyone on tarranis familiar with hubris and the entourage of Druids that accompany her know my character and know what type of player I am. So long as I have the support of my clan, its allies, and remain in general good standing with the tarranis community then ranting posts such as this one won't phase me. However, I do understand people's frustrations and try to taper my play style to be helpful and pleasant despite what you may think of me.

One of the most common misconceptions with my characters as another poster has already pointed out is that it isn't humanly possible to play 5 characters simultaneously and even if you could you couldn't play each character to its full potential. This is absolutely false. While it isn't easy, it is absolutely possible to play all characters simultaneously so long as you have enough situational awareness, focus, and have a strong multi tasking capability. I may try to shoot a video of my set up and play style for you all to see so that maybe you will understand more about how I do what I do.

As far a the OP is concerned. I am sorry that you feel so strongly about your dislike of multi boxers and I am curious as to what happened exactly to make you feel this way? I sincerely hope it was nothing I've done. Despite my name, I am the furthest thig from a tyrant on my server and I wish you had an opportunity to interact with me, perhaps you wouldn't feel as you do. I completely understand why people get turned off to this. I have the potential to abuse my capabilities for my own selfish gains. Personally, I don't but other players might and that may have been what happened. However, I've been doing this a very long time. I've spoken with the admins about it on several occasions and read every game policy thouroughly to ensure that I remain within the confines of the games rules. Multi boxing will not be going away. As far as I know the admins do not view it negatively and have made no plans to remove it from the game. I can only hope for you that you are able to find some sort of solace for your issues and not assume that every multi boxer is an elitist, tyrannical, power-mongering, loot-stealing player. The only reason I made my characters was to help my clan with bosses. If it were for
Selfish gains I wouldn't have made a tank and four Druids. Do you know how easy it is to be KS'd when you play as a tank and four Druids? If I was going to rape my server I would have made a bunch of rouges and rangers with Druids to out DPS everyone and steal all loot all the time.
You Hubris? OP... there is no issue with penta-boxing or whatever-boxing, they paid their own money for the multiple devices giving them the ability to do this. I myself do this but often my friends make me leave on my druid to make it fair. Whatever issue there is, I'd like to know it... :|
Galactus: Level 100 Rogue
World: Taranis
Clan: Curiosity

Re: About multiple devices

It's a legitimate question IMO, though the OP does not actually ask a question. Well, the OP asks 'will you resolve the issue?', not actually having established that there is is an issue.

There is only one specific issue that I can think of and that is ninja-boxing in a group. What I mean by that is that someone is multi-boxing in a group with other players and has not made that evident. This means that they have an increased drop chance. This could be considered an issue for non-class and tradeable items. Of course they may also be playing the classes on their device in a way that contributes to the group. I have been in many boss groups where if I were not multi-boxing we would have struggled to take the boss without a lot of restos, idols etc. People know I multi-box (because I tell them) and request that I bring a tank and a healer, for example.

From the point of view of the game itself, there is no functional difference. it is not cheating, it does not constitute an unfair advantage and is in fact harder than playing a single character in my experience.

The OPs inflammatory complaint seems to be twofold:
1- it makes leveling easier. Yes and no. You are always splitting exp so it is slower. Classes really specced for group play do not solo well at all in most cases. Yes you can run support out of group, but that is not sustainable as you also have to lvel support. Yes, because you can really spec for it and... I find it much easier to schedule time to level with myself. :mrgreen: This all constitutes difference in degree, rather than differences in kind.

2- monopolization of bosses, which is presumably a complaint about the monopolization of drops. Please make clear how this differs from the same complaint about powerful clans? Functionally, it is no different, if it is actually happening, and the responses and ways of dealing with it are not different.

I have some questions as well. How did you know when someone is multi-boxing? Unison tap dancing across several toons is a good sign. You know because they, or someone else told you. That was a courtesy on their part. As the game is now, it is none of your business really. They do not have to tell you anything at all about anything at all. How does it concern you in any way whether when you see 2 toons it is one person, two people or 7 people? How exactly is that any of your business at all? They are not cheating. They are playng all the characters within the bounds of the game. When my nephew is looking over my shoulder while I play, do you feel I should inform you when he has suggestions and such? Would you like to know what I am wearing and what I had for lunch as well. I am a vegetarian. I believe this adds to my ability to concentrate. Is that an unfair advantage too? Would you like to regulate that?

Finally, I will say that I am clearly biased. It is an MMO on a portable platform. How cool is that? Multi-boxing is a consequence of that. You really have to go to great lengths to multi-box on pc based games. I play this game for a variety of reasons. One of them is that I can multi-box and really see the inter-class dynamics and such.

You think it is unfair. Ok. Presumably, from your post, if you went and purchased a cheap, used iPod touch in addition to whatever you are using you would suddenly find yourself sleeping alone? Which is to say, ad hominem attacks are not useful.

Do you think Plat is unfair as well? Many people do.

Finally, why exactly do you (and so many others) feel entitled to some sort of response from OTM, because there is something you don't like. The game is free. If you spent money that is on you. Sure there are cases where something has gone wrong and people want a response. From my point of view, inflammatory, entitled complaints may not be the best way to go about it.

Maybe though you are just upset that Yth is gone and you did not get your bp or something. I can relate to that.
+1. I edited my post in this topic with the link to the video that I made because of this thread. It's a couple months late.

Re: About multiple devices

Yup I Multibox and that does give me advantages.

I also pay to gear four main chars. That's four sets of diamond armor, rejuvs, rings, helms, weps, speed items. Four times as many xp lixes, about 2k sigils between my chars, and some 600 backpack spaces. Not to mention tabs rems and crests x four. And four times a day waiting for a gladiator to spawn.

I think I have earned and paid for whatever advantage I might get.
Ta 180 Druid, Keri 191 Mage, June 102 Warrior, Rex 182 Rogue
Proud AvaloNian

Re: About multiple devices

Well I guess on the up side.... I'm not sleeping alone at night! Well neither are those guys... Their bed is full of apple devices
Hahahaha +16849361829
I dont care if people dual/tri/quad/whatever log, but i do think its reeeally sad. I've better things to do than sit and play games all my time :)
Fionn dies..so you don't have to.

Re: About multiple devices

I too multi box. I have taken up tri-boxing recently and it's pretty hard. I use 3 device because sometimes i can't purely rely on other people if i want to level as i have very limited time, very small window opening. I help out with either one of my toons inside a boss and the other helping outside, this way it doesn't give me any benefits of getting an item in the group as I only have one in. Recently, people have been fairly inactive and there isn't a wide variety of available that can take on a certain mob at certain time of the day and thats another reason why I multi-box. I personally don't see any problem but then again, what do I know.
SeverousSnape L200 Mage
RaunchyRogue L196 Rogue
Mischievous L160 Ranger
AbsolouteZero L150 Druid

General of Aeon
I collect "things"

Re: About multiple devices

I dual box. Lvl 154 warrior and 153 druid. Sometimes when my i can use my friends iphone if hes over i can use it
To log my lvl 100 druid and solo almost any boss. I dont see a problem with it :)

Pentaboxing seems weird to me. Honestly your healing 670 and 700. Why not
Make 1 druid who heals 1400 :)
Warriorz (Warrior) (198)
Myhealerz (Druid( (198)
Roguezz (Rogue) (186)
Kefhr (Mage) (134)
And other useless low char

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