@callu: ty! I hope to be back soon...
@ all of clan:
I put official a player on my personal and the kill-list of our clan:
lvl 82 Ranger clanless
cause he killed my little mage twice at arena
- while doing daily
- while waiting for daily in a 2 vs me group
-> there is no understanding from his side, even not when he killed me and i came back for daily
-> only stupid answers and no respect
so feel free whenever u see him at arena to kill him as often as u can!
White, unfortanly that's not how toy would want things to be handled within Ancients. We don't retaliate in the same manner, if so we are just as bad as them. And i also please encourage you to edit the users name out as it is Naming and shaming a player which is against the forum rules.
Also, if you have a issue with any players that kill you in arena, you should excpect no less from someone who is claness and may not have any friends (Main point is its an arena, it's not compolsury that you don't attack someone). That's why kindly ask the user to please remain unhostile for a second while you do quest. If they do not stop then just wait till they leave or call a big bad Ancients dog like Callu or Thoro to guard you :L
removed sry!!
-> but he will stay on my personal list...
-> yes but i dont wann look always over my shoulder to take care he is not here...
-> Guts and Black came to help me, i can handle it with my druid, but not with my low lvl Mage