Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Do they ?

I was curious if otm retrieves dropped items? Like if u accidently dropped it from ur inventory could u get it back or not? That is all sincerly seth
Proud Clansmen of Elementals
SethTheGreat, Mage Lv. 210
Ruby Rose, Druid Lv. 68

Proud Guardian of Evo
SethTheGreat, Mage Lv. 138
SethSDoctor, Druid Lv. 87

Re: Do they ?

It may well take them a week, but you should get it back eventually.
Even sold items to the vendor can be returned as long as you have the gold on hand to give them.
D0nk0 Lvl143 warrior
D1nk1 lvl90 druid (retired)
D2nk2 lvl70 ranger (retired)
D3nk3 lvl128 druid (dual log)
D4nk4 Lvl142 ranger (tri log)
D6nk6 lvl80 mage (retired)

General of PRIME
Proud owner of 2 full darkflame sets

D5nk5 lvl85 rogue (arawn)

Re: Do they ?

Ty for info and i did i got my item back :)ty for ur help
Proud Clansmen of Elementals
SethTheGreat, Mage Lv. 210
Ruby Rose, Druid Lv. 68

Proud Guardian of Evo
SethTheGreat, Mage Lv. 138
SethSDoctor, Druid Lv. 87

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