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Remembering Rosmerta in Version 2

A nostalgic tribute to the best server in game and to a version long gone.

Why? I'm a fan of Rosmerta and its people, the good and the bad(ass).

In rosmerta version 2,, the first major boss battle i saw between two clans then, alliance and epic, was bladewing. I don't remember who won. But it was my first glimpse at how hardcore this server was. I think i saw jemm a mage from epic there. Now i'm thinking maybe epic won that idk. I met Saphire from alliance at stonevale farm. Badass ranger then (and now maybe). Rosmerta has always been intense i think.

In version 2, if u had a broom, u were badass. I think i saw chasetti had a broom. A good one maybe doom. If u had a skull pendant, u were god-like. Idk who else had a broom but very few did. Exile had a xp pendant i think.

In version 2, there werent any rings. It was pretty simple. But if u had a winter king dagger, ah u were lucky. An axe of carnage or a bodkin of spirits plus that dagger and ur boss.. Slow then didnt mean as bad as it does now, skill casting time was the same regardless of weapon speed. Winter spear was awesome too one handed and powerful. I had a winter king sword it was 2 handed but good enough for me. For leveling it was great.I bought it from amna for 90 k. that was hella good price. she was nice to sell for cheap. Wouldnt get ksd on bloodgroves. Since damage was huge once u hit, its more than half down if not one hit dead. I think Roq had a winter king dagg. King Hammer was good too. Actually blunts were more popular then than now. Even with ancients, blunt weaps were often used before warden. Oh king bow was THE bow.

Abilties tho, were much harder to train. Thank god no evade abilties to train then. It would take a long time and a lot of spamming to max weap abilities. Ice and fire magic was a pain to max. For melees it was slightly easier. Rogue with cruel knife just stab a boss that took a while to kill. Ranger could afk train bow ability on luther mcroin from below or hit mobs from across river. This was common way to level ability in version 2. I think yuletide wand was wand ability and was used this way as well. Mcroin and gannon were good for big xp spam kills too tho so thats something u do when not many on. As for first aid and mage abilities, just hang in sv farm and spam them.

Ks on wisps and druids were common. Canucs and vileijin ksd my mage a lot on wisps, good thing i made a dps warrior. dps warrior then wasnt so poopy.. Stonevale was getting smaller and smaller and xp was way limited. Druid circle was camped for xp. I think misjak took the spot to the left of middle tree. I took that spot on my warrior when he wasnt on. Players were getting past 90 and just mean nasty hunters. Vedranox, skydancer, etc were being killed for xp. Ud rush to a green spawn because someone else would get it. I parked my mage between last hill and fellfire. There were good greens there not in plain sight. Red ph's 1-5 stars were being killed not for loot, but for xp. high level meant so much more then. U couldnt super combo often ud run out of mobs to kill when it was crowded.If u had dual devices good for u. Hit with one toon and log main to finish off and log out and lix stayed. But this or elixir wasnt as popular. In facf it was deemed almost taboo, elixiring. Dps was then was about leveling as close as possible to belly, droot level etc. and lots of strength. 90 rogues had around 50 vit i think for falg but would get raped by cloak on other bosses.. So just skill and no autos if cloak on. This was common practice. U could spam idols tho. no idol timers. Now its the other way around: just ato no much skill. Distract was also useful then. And hide necessary to cast sneaky. There were not much equip to set u apart. Level was important. U had to come close to red bosses. By the end of version 2 i think we only had two level 100 players: houjiner and amna. I cant remember if sacred was 100. Maybe close.

Yea there were connacht pathfinder and vanquisher but too rare then. Darkflame was a rare sight. I think Eo had full Pathfinders and dsgrendor had darkflame. When version 3 came, people started selling their connacht armours and winter weaps. I saw a noob wearing pathfinders and it was the end of their badass era. In version 3, its just useless memorabilia now. Just few months ago i traded a major wyrmfang brace for a pathfinder helm. I just like the look on my alt tho i never use, wish it could be fashion.

In version 2, we could afk level or afk farm the whole day and ur log in wouldnt time out. A lot of people slept whole nights and left ipods on or went to work and left them at home. Now ur not allowed to sleep. I met forest before she went to afk at her usual spot in catacombs where the skeletons dropped ancient bone shard. I also afk farmed cadavers. And the higher levels afkd in avatar of donn's rooms etc where the guards would spawn. But u could play while sleeping or working and earn xp and gold. Benbrook took last hill spot in sv. Cooby took the middle tree in druid circle. Almost everyone had a spot.

In version 2, faerie diamond was harder to get than diamond crystal horn.

In version 2, if u were level 90 druid, ur best heal was around 500. Focus didnt affect amount of heal or mage damage then. And we would need 6 druids just to kill droot belly shiver. Or pot a lot. Poor bullard spent a fortune on resto pots. Wish he stayed to see how great druids are now.

In version 2, cloak of fire was awesome. It is awesome still.

In version 2 we had no pvp. We only played hide and seek. I remember nan and i played hide and seek with half of sv. It was fun. There was already character humping. There were also weddings. Yrck married emilie in old farcrag. Quigley then used to be on top of stairs. U knew someone was buying lux when he was climbing the stairs.

In version 2, rosmerta had a top 2 clan on all servers. It was alliance. Now we have 2 clans in top 5 on all servers. In version 2, there were no generals. Only guardians and chieftain. In version 2, u could chat in different colors and it was annoying of course. There wasnt a day u didnt read 'buying fettlecaps' in shout. Now we stay in ow all the time.

In version 2 there were annoying scammers and those that got scammed. We still have them now. There will alwways be scumbags and/or stupid gullible careless people. No matter what.

In update 4, a lot will most likely change. More reasons for nostalgia. But Rosmerta will thrive as it always has.

Re: Remembering Rosmerta in Version 2

old players lol i remember when everyone was a nube only old players left is rosemary, wizardonion, me, and king the rest have gone bye bye. I bought saphire her first golden quiver of reguve. I trained yrck with wiz on farthest wisp road. Dop was THE DRUID and rosemary didnt like me. Alot of the players now are players who came during the OW time and lvled to 140 in 3 months or less. Amna was a nube when me her yrck wiz and klic made united. I soloed every red boss and was the tanking druid. I had a full set of pre update plate armour. I also remeber when roq was samnis and the best lux was just a golden reguv eagle helm and valor shield. I remember when warden was hard to get and when the server was small enough so ksing didn't happen i remember the cata wall glitch i remember everyone rushing fire Titan from east docks i remember when a giant pumpkin was floating behind high shore

This coming update is going to change everything, for better or worse i guess we will see.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

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