Re: Tranquility of the Thought
#11I think someone was bored taking a very, very long crap and decided to write a pointless novel whilst sitting on the toilet...
I can relate, sometimes while crapping I do that myself instead of camping for Ragnor. I simply refer to them as my "Crap" posts.I think someone was bored taking a very, very long crap and decided to write a pointless novel whilst sitting on the toilet...
Yeah me too, they have been making my own eyes water this week.My love, I wish your farts smelled like grape pop...I farted once and it smelled like grape pop...weird thing is I had never preoviously consumed any grape pop. Weird.
+1Intelligent perhaps, efficient you are not. Starting over every couple months with a new character is counter productive. I challenge you to build an identity that you can be proud of and stick with it
Sexy beast.Yeah me too, they have been making my own eyes water this week.My love, I wish your farts smelled like grape pop...I farted once and it smelled like grape pop...weird thing is I had never preoviously consumed any grape pop. Weird.
Take me to your dealerToday it is the twenty-seventh day of April, and the two-thousandth and thirteen year of the common era.
We are being kept in place by the gravity of the third planet in the solar system, we can walk because we have evolved to be erect, we don't have fur or claws because we have a gene called Fox 2, that allows us to communicate with complicated vocalizations used for social interaction. Our eyes sit on the front of our heads because we are predatory, also increasing our intelligence, and some time within the last 7 million years, our brains grew three times in size, reaching a cranial capacity of 1300. We developed complex social structures, leading to non-migratory societies of simians who planted seeds to grow food, ceasing nomadic culture. We built civilizations around water sources, and developed new technology that would spark a deeper interest in progress, that other animals would find incomprehensible, and thrived for ten thousand years- to this day, and continue to burn incense on this spark, now a burning fire of human accomplishment.
Take a second or two to cognitively observe the world around you. What do you see? The same things you saw before reading this? People talking, interacting, or eating? Maybe so, or not, but now look at yourself. Who are you?
At some point in human history, all but 5,000 members of our species were wiped out by a catastrophic natural disaster, all of these ancestors presiding on the continent of Africa. Due to this, us as a species have been concentrated into the most similiar animal as a whole on the planet. We are more similiar to eachother than a Calico and a Belgium cat, yet due to differences in melanin counts, we have historically persecuted eachother over matters of Race. There is only one Human race, and we are not even near distinguishable to diffrentiate so much from one another, especially since we are more different between "Races" than across. Our ancestors were made of many seperate communites, and saw the world around them as you do now, but had less than an explanation for it. That is where we see religion. Religion developed as an answer to the everyday phenomena, and to this day, neighbor to neighbor, everyone has their own beliefs, regardless of religion. I am not telling you to change your beliefs, but religion originally used to unite people, now we are halted, as Islamic nations clash with the Christians, and because of their cultures kill eachother, rather than love.
The biggest dividing factor in the human race is culture, not genetic feature. Cultures are passed down to offspring, and these offspring share the views of their parents, meaning these people who carry these traditions will inevitably look like them. Today we see more than one type of seperation, and another I see often is intellectual division.
Intelligence varies, and often, the more educated one is promptly socially accepted as the more intelligent, as are these correlating racial stereo-types. Intelligence quotient, or IQ, is directly derived from brain development provided from education. Currently, Korea and Germany host the highest average IQ's of around 100, but that's because they are more even as a population. If you compared this to say... Europe as a whole, or America, many people go as low as 50, or has high as 150, and even out lower than these countries. If you looked at East Asian Countries, you'd see less high or low numbers, and more towards the national average, and that is because they choose not to stress abstract thinking, which strengthens your IQ greatly.
I am a fourteen year old Maltese-American male, I have an IQ of 155, when I was five, I went to UC Davis, and I took an MRI that said I had the brain activity of a twenty five year old at the age of five. I am also a blond, green eyed near comedically stereo-typical "jock". I also am the same player who played as Wulvric, and Avresi, (that same ***), and have shared this with you, and hopefully have widened your perspective about the world. To close your eyes from the world is to be ignorant, to open them is to be aware, to stretch past the physical observations of your surroundings is to be wise.
Words of the wise!Intelligent perhaps, efficient you are not. Starting over every couple months with a new character is counter productive. I challenge you to build an identity that you can be proud of and stick with it
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