Celtic Heroes

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Re: Shannon's World Transfer Service

Mightywarrior! Ik, but who are you? Lol just created account. Stop trying to ruin my rep and stop trying to get others banned. And not to mention. You are not mightywarrior. I think you are the one who hacked him. So just get lost.
Shannon - warrior

Re: Shannon's World Transfer Service

Ok now I'm confused....
Thank you shannon :) you paid me extra 30k though. I will pay back in Lugh. Thanks
Nah. You can keep the 30k :)
U make no sense and are stupid to try to pull it off cause if u said u transfered 20k why would u give me 30k??? :roll:
He gave extra 30k. I helped him with quest last time. So its a gift to me. -.-
Something smells funny here...
MaxeesVigor 200 druid
Independent of Lugh

Re: Shannon's World Transfer Service

Ok now I'm confused....
Thank you shannon :) you paid me extra 30k though. I will pay back in Lugh. Thanks
Nah. You can keep the 30k :)
U make no sense and are stupid to try to pull it off cause if u said u transfered 20k why would u give me 30k??? :roll:
He gave extra 30k. I helped him with quest last time. So its a gift to me. -.-
Something smells funny here...
Maxee, this what happened. Mighty only wanted to transfer 20k to another server. But since mighty helped me alot i gave him 50k on the other world. 30k as a gift. Mightydruid is just a hacker that tries to get real mighty ban. Lol
Shannon - warrior

Re: Shannon's World Transfer Service

Ok now I'm confused....
Thank you shannon :) you paid me extra 30k though. I will pay back in Lugh. Thanks
Nah. You can keep the 30k :)
U make no sense and are stupid to try to pull it off cause if u said u transfered 20k why would u give me 30k??? :roll:
He gave extra 30k. I helped him with quest last time. So its a gift to me. -.-
Something smells funny here...
Maxee, this what happened. Mighty only wanted to transfer 20k to another server. But since mighty helped me alot i gave him 50k on the other world. 30k as a gift. Mightydruid is just a hacker that tries to get real mighty ban. Lol
Liar its fishy cause why would i transfer 20k and get 50k?? U aren't nice and why did KILLER9 respond and not Mightywarrior!????

Re: Shannon's World Transfer Service

They both same person
That's also strange... I've known mighty for quite some time now... We actually started at around the same time and leveled together on occasions when we were noobs. Mighty has always had one forum account and thats mightywarrior!. Now you're telling me that he's also using killer9? Whats the point of multiple accounts since mighty has/had a good rep (the real mighty please don't take offense to the has/had.. You know me and know i investigate before making decisions)? The only thing that multiple accounts do is lower your post counts or keep yourself hidden when you don't want people to know its you... Both of which I'm pretty sure the real mighty wouldnt want.

There's just alot of shady things at the moment and i wish to look farther before making my final decision about the person behind "mighty," inside game and on forums...
MaxeesVigor 200 druid
Independent of Lugh

Re: Closed

Idk killer9 is mighty or maybe not. But since druid already send support ticket, im leaving OTM to investigate and take action.
Shannon - warrior

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