When i see things i dont agree with i speak up it dont matter who i upset so if i see things happening that shouldnt i speak up i may not have my voice heard but at least ive done my part that is the point of the post
I saw cyber bullying using an exploit so i spoke up and has it closed
Someone i knew got kicked from there clan for duel boxing of all things nobody there seems to want to speak up or seems to affraid to so i am
Maybe when its your turn someone might speak up for you
Ah. I see what you're getting at and who you're talking about. I'm not opposed to dual boxers but this particular *fellow* lied to *people* about the dual char being his alt. I remembered that *fellow* had told me before that *dual* was his alt.
Personally I wasn't there, or involved in any way with what happened aside from pointing out the alt so I chose neither side in the disagreement between both parties.
My turn to speak for people without a voice
The total goods shared by a community given to a set of holier-than-you people who dictate use based on popularity, fairness, and attitude. Hope feeds determination, slowly withering over time and becoming a slave to the "righteous" individuals in power through fear of liberties' in-equalities and propaganda.
The liberty to earn what you get, work hard for it, and not have to be in 'the circle of trust'. Suceed or fail on your own.