Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Figured I would add to the crashing posts...

i to play on ipad2 latest frimware and havent been able to get on once since update please hurry up and sort this out cos real life is getting boring!! thanks :D
" I just want you to no were all counting on you "


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Deathbat- lvl 106 Hybrid

xDeathDruidx- lvl 69 Full Heal (retired)

Legolas666- lvl 43 dps

Re: Figured I would add to the crashing posts...

As I posted in another topic, I am not sure I understand why the issue couldn't be fixed through the patch server?

I know you have heard it before, but wow, there should be better testing beforehand. I'm not sure how many people were affected by this bug, but if you have an understanding of how long the review process takes through apple, you should do a better job at making sure something like this does not happen.

Just my little rant. Definitely sucks to hear about all the neat things that people are doing and getting while I am unable to even try to get them.

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