Your such a baby deal with this stuff if you think mages are OP go make yourself a mage and level it up stop complainingFirebolt instant cast 2.5k damage 4.5 sec cooldown......quick instant cast 2k damage 8 sec cooldown
Iceshard 1 second cast 6k damage 15 sec cooldown.... Sneak attack 6k damage available at certain points 2sec cast and 45 sec cooldown
Ice blast 1.5 sec cast 8k damage aoe attack 20 sec cooldown..... Assasinate 8k damage limited to less then 30% is not aoe 2.5 sec cast and 60 sec cooldown.
Incin 2 sec cast 4 ticks 2200 damage per tick....Rend 1/2 sec cast 1 auto worth of damage 3 ticks and 700 damage over time
Frostbite instant damage of 2k 1500 per tick and 6 ticks of damage(this is proba closer to rend so again look up.
Cloak of fire 2 min last up to 500 damage... Risp 6 sec last up to 2k damage
Lures, more then double the damage.... Smoke and expose, no real way of telling how much more then do but doubt double.
Firestorm nice 3k aoe damage.... Shadow strike up to 1.8k of damage which can get bugged so you can't attack
Energy shield, can stop up to and over 2k damage being cast on the user. Life drain after resist at max level heals around 300-400 hp and.
Ice enchantment and fire adds around 1500 to damage of skills(or so i hear)... Posion weapon adds 70 damage each hit
Auto attack, pretty usless and doesnt add enough to waste time regen ing to use... Auto attack good bit as skills are now good you spend most of time skillibg so you lose half of the dps you use to gain from that as he not constant autoing. Does not make up a damage if mage skills
Energy issues mages use alot if energy around double thats of a rogue maybe lil new but have 7k energy to work with and skills to beable to cope with that energy issue.
Rogues use around half as much energy but starts at around 500 energy after 1 round of skills energy is gone and pots must but used to achieve good dps. If regen is warn to exstent needed rogues end up losing dps.
This is my summary
Tell me why i shouldn't be mad
Re: A better way of showing how rogue skills are underpowere
#11DIAMONDNOBLE9-179+ ROUGE Full DragonLord
DiamonAye-76+Rouge Arawn
Proud Clansman of Inner Circle
DiamonAye-76+Rouge Arawn
Proud Clansman of Inner Circle