What they have with sigils is..TEMPORERALLY taken them out the shop to fix them, so you have not been scammed in any way, its only to stop people from buying the broken ones..The issue i have is i bought sigils based on what they did at the time. I never would have bought 600 of them if they did not serve a purpose. Thats the problem and the concern we all have and why they removed them from store. We spent money for something, and now it has changed. Say you spent money on a 65 inch tv, and a year later the company comes to your house and takes it away and replaces it with a 32 inch one. This is how I feel. I paid for one thing, and it was changed without my concent or permission. The game is not the same, not only harder, but not as fun now. Please fix the Sigils!
Re: Forced to buy plat to play
#31Fionn dies..so you don't have to.